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SUNFLOWERS, roses, tulips, carnations, and peonies. Those are the last set of flowers Younha needs to arrange to their section before she can finally go home.

Usually, she doesn't have work on the weekend but since she left the flowershop yesterday to confront her ex that leads to unfortunate events, she needs to pay for the hours that's why she's working today. It's good that she left yesterday afternoon so she can only work in the morning.

Don't get her wrong. It's not that she doesn't like her job. In fact, she likes it. Besides, she loves flowers so much. It's her dream to build her own flowershop after all.

That's why she doesn't really mind working on weekends.... Or maybe she does because she hates her boss just like how much she loves flowers. The middle aged woman, her boss, always deducts her salary over simple and little mistake.

For example, she accidentally mixed the pink rose in the red ones. Or if she's a minute late after her 30 minutes lunch break. There's automatically a deduction to her salary.

Younha is sick of it but she doesn't have a choice. Aside from she loves flowers and wanted to work in the environment close to plants, it is also so hard to find a decent job. That's why she's enduring her boss and just work in the flowershop until she saves enough to build her own shop.

"Where's boss? " She asked to the part time florist behind the desk while signing out on the log book.

"Inside, " the girl whispered, pointing the other door that leads to a room then pressed her palm together to act sleeping. Younha couldn't help but to press her lips together to prevent herself from bursting into laughter.

"Let her, it's more peaceful if she's not around. " She closed the book then pat the other. "I'll leave now. Good luck here, okay? "

"I will, Younha-ssi. "

Younha nodded, smiling before taking her bag with her and left the flowershop. She opened her phone to look if her friend has replied to her text earlier.

"My next appointment is at 3pm. Just come to my clinic. "

She smiled and sent a short message before making her way towards the said clinic in the town proper, where her friend is working.

Oh how excited she is to tell everything that had happened to her yesterday even though she has informed her friend about it already.


"OH MY GOD. " Younha sighed, closing her eyes while resting her head at the backrest of the single couch in her friend's clinic. Her friend, Ara, has been chanting those words since she finished telling her about yesterday's event.

"I know, right? Oh my god really. "

"I can't believe this, honestly. " Now, Ara is busy scrolling to the iPad for more than ten minutes already. She's been reading the articles that apparently, consist of her and that famous actor.

"I know, I can't believe it too. " Younha's voice is weak and sounded so done. It's as if she doesn't care about it anymore. Perhaps she is.

"Yes, I can't believe you didn't recognize him!." Ara even hit her shoulder causing the other to hiss.

"F-y-i, it's not that I didn't recognize him. I really don't know him, that's why. If I did, then nothing like that would happen. "

"This is why I told you to watch drama sometimes. " Ara began scrolling once again while shaking her head.

Younha raised her brow. "I am not like you. You're past the calendar and a professional already yet you're still addicted to those dramas. " She shakes her head in disbelief.

Once again, she received an another hit from Ara. "Ah! " She glared at her friend while rubbing the area.

"Excuse me, I'm not yet past the calendar. "

"Yeah yeah, I forgot to include 'about to'. It's a huge difference. " Her voice was full of sarcasm.

Ara just rolled her eyes and gets back on reading the articles. "So, what's your plan now? " She asked.

Younha shrugged her shoulders, hand reaching over the little plushie displayed on the side table to toy with it. "Just go with the flow. Play along. It's better that way than facing lawsuit anyway. "

Ara hummed. "Infairness, I can't believe you're famous now. Can you sign the board over there? I'm a fan. "

Younha rolled her eyes. "Ha-ha, funny. " She heaved a sigh and stared at the other.

Ara has been her friend since the girl moved to their neighborhood when they were still kids. Ara is just three years older than her that's why they immediately clicked since they are both an only child.

Unlike Younha though, Ara's family is rich. They can afford university while her.... Her family's combined salary wasn't enough to send her to the same university Ara attended.

Though despite the gap in their financial status, that did not become a hindrance to their friendship. Still, despite not attending the same college, despite their busy and unmatched schedules, their friendship didn't falter.

Younha stayed in the clinic until Ara's patient arrived for her appointment. She bid her friend a goodbye before going to her little apartment.

The first thing Younha did once she arrived was to plop herself on the bed like a starfish and stared at the ceiling. Her mind started thinking as exhaustion slowly enters her system.

She doesn't know whether she should feel relieved that she hasn't received a call from that certain actor or be anxious that maybe they changed their mind and disregard the deal they have made and already filed a lawsuit against her. That maybe the reason why they haven't contacted her yet because they're already processing the lawsuit.....

Younha immediately and vigorously shook her head. No, there is no way they would do that. They have a deal!

But there is no contract.

Her mind replied causing her to roll on her bed while pulling her hair out of frustration.

"Aish! They should've prepared a contract! And there should be a lawyer, what the heck— what kind of deal was that? Oh my god, " she started kicking the sheets. "I'm doomed, am I? "

Younha stilled. She sat down and tried to calm herself. She inhaled deeply and began talking to herself once again. "No, I should trust them. " She nodded, persuading herself. "Yeah, I should trust them. I don't have a choice anyway. "

If someone would see her in that state she is currently in, they would definitely think she's crazy.....

Or perhaps she is really going crazy. And it's all because of that famous handsome actor.

Wait, what? Handsome?

Younha wanted to hit herself in the head for even thinking such thing. She bite her lip while shaking her head. Yeah, she's really going crazy.

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