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IT WAS AROUND eight in the evening when Younha was woken up by the blasting sound of her ringtone. She lazily picked up the phone and answered the call without looking on her screen.

"Hello? " Her voice was gravely low and hoarse considering that she just woke up.

"What the hell were you thinking?! " It was a voice of a man and he sounded mad mad. He was screaming to the point she had to put away her phone from her ear for a brief moment. "You really love adding fuel to the fire, don't you? Is this fun to you? Fuck! "

Her brows furrowed. She's now totally awake as she looked on her screen to see who she is talking to. She rolled her eyes upon seeing a certain name displayed on it. "Stop shouting, will you? "

The man in the other line laughed in a mocking manner. This guy never fail to piss her off, really. How can she pretend perfectly to be this man's girlfriend if she's so close in drowning him?

"Why do you have to go there, woman?! "

Younha rolled her eyes. The man just ignored what she said about not shouting. "I'll hang up— "

"Get out. " He interrupted her.

"What? "

"Tell me where you are and get out. Now. " He repeated, voice now calmer than before. It's as if he hadn't shouting at her earlier.

Is he bipolar or what?

"And why would I do that? "

"Because I said so. Now, do it. Text me your address and get out wherever you are. I'll pick you up, we will talk. "

Before Younha could even reply, the call ended causing her to grit her teeth in so much annoyance. How dare that man to order her!

She inhaled deeply and calmed herself. She started reminding herself that the safest thing to do is to follow him or else he will blackmail her again with that mistake she did yesterday.

She sighed, hands going through her locks. She checked the time and wasn't surprised to see the time. She was planning to only take a short nap earlier but guess she's too tired that she slept for hours.

Just like what she was told, despite it being against her will, she texted her address to the man and took a sweater with her before locking her apartment and stood outside to wait for him.

Not too long after, a black BMW stopped in front of her. The window rolled down, revealing the handsome man that's pissing her off.

Handsome my ass. Does his fans know that he's a jerk?

"Hop in. " He commanded with authoritative tone that had her rolling her eyes but did what she was told. "Don't sit at the back, I'm not your driver! "

Once again, Younha rolled her eyes and obliged. She slammed the door closed at the back seat and opened the door to the front and slid on the passenger seat without saying anything.

"Where are we going? " She asked after fastening her seatbelt.

The actor didn't answer. Instead, he just look at her for a couple of seconds before driving off. Younha rolled her eyes while biting her tongue to not say something that will probably spark an argument. She's already pissed enough just by hearing his voice through the phone earlier. She doesn't want to piss herself more than she already is.


YOUNHA WAS back in that room again. She's in the unit where she was taken to yesterday after kissing the man who turned out to be a famous actor.

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