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I don't know what she was thinking when she decided to join me in the shower, but I certainly wasn't going to complain. I was also not going to complain about this was my second shower this week. Pirates get a bad rap for being nasty, and stinky but it's because there's not a lot of places that will let us stop in and shower. Mostly because we're all criminals but to each their own. In fact, that's the reason my crew has become so large. Criminals who are banished from their town and the surrounding towns due to nothing, but rumors find refuge with me because it's a place where they won't be judged by what they did in the past.

I'm getting distracted by the negative thoughts about how we're all criminals when I should be focused on the fact that I have a beautiful woman showering with me. I'm freezing in the corner while I watch her wash her hair and then her hands start to move down her body, spreading the soap to try and get off the dirty feeling that I know she has from staying in the cell for just the couple hours she was in there. I can feel myself getting hard, watching her hands disappear further down her body and when she starts to bend over, I almost lose all my self-control. The shower is barely big enough for us to both be in here right now, but when she bends over to wash her legs and feet, her ass is rubbing against me. I bite my lip, and I groan. Bent over she turns around to look at me over her shoulder with a dirty look, "Don't try anything, I'm just trying to get clean, and I figured if I didn't catch a shower with you, someone else would've forced me to shower with them."

She glances down at my dick and smirks before turning back around to wash her other legs. She was doing this shit on purpose because she spent a good minute cleaning her legs and I know for a fact they weren't that dirty. I was good though; I didn't lay a single hand on her while she rubbed her very nice ass against my dick. Instead, I continued to inch forward until she was flush against me and my cock was nestled in her ass. "I thought I told you not to try anything," she groans, starting to stand up from washing her legs.

"I'm not trying anything, I'm just simply trying to get in the water to warm up a little bit," I say, trying to stay close to her while she stands up and moves away from me.

"Sure, you are, that's why you're continuing to press your dick against me," she says, turning around so she can talk to my face.

"You make it so happy; it just wants to be near you," I say, trying to make her smile.

"It's close enough to me at the back of the shower," She looks down at my dick and I smile when she licks her lips.

I wrap my hand around her throat, struggling with my self-control, forcing her to look at me, "You don't think that I see you staring at me, pressing your ass against my dick, licking your lips at the thought of my dick touching you, being near you. The only thing stopping me from putting you on your knees right now is the fact that you told me not to try anything. So, try a little harder to act uninterested Princess."

I turn around, still throbbing, and get out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around my waist, she turns off the water and follows suit. It's only when I hear something outside of the bathroom doors am I pausing and wondering who else is in the room with us. I turn to where Astrid is right behind me and I put my finger up to my lips before putting my ear up to the bathroom door, trying to listen to who is in the main room. Our clothes were on the bed, so they must've seen them and known that someone was in there. I didn't have to turn far to tell Astrid to be quiet when we went out to get our clothes because she's got her body pressed against mine, trying to listen out the door. That didn't help me lower situation, but I did enjoy the body heat she was giving off in this cold bathroom.

I press my ear against the door, and I hear snoring, and I know that this is my chance. I look at Astrid and I nod my head towards the door, and she nods her head in understanding. I'm instantly cold when she steps away so I can open the door, but I'm filled with adrenaline when I walk out of the bathroom and I see Erik sitting in the chair, snoring. I'm glad I got a shower with Astrid, but I'm cursing every decision that led to this moment. I wasn't mentally or physically ready for another confrontation with him, because I knew that if I lose, even for just a second, then I could lose Astrid and not be able to get her back. I don't know why I'm so drawn to her, but I know that if I lose her to Erik then I'm losing a great deal of power.

We should've taken our clothes to the bathroom and gotten dressed there so we didn't have such a good chance at waking him up, but most of my blood is still going to the wrong head and Astrid was probably just distracted at my amazing manliness. I roll my eyes, knowing very well that she was just trying to get dressed quickly if he does wake up. I look up at her, but my eyes are pulled to the movement from the chair, and I see Erik getting out of the chair, not looking the least bit tired anymore. "What an unlucky day you're having Ace," he says, standing with a smile on his face as he watches us rush to put on the last bit of our clothes.

"I wouldn't say the whole day is unlucky, just this part," I say with a smile, knowing full well that I'm panicking on the inside.

If Erik is here, in the hotel ready to take a shower, then that means that his crew is most likely crawling around the same hotel and island. Erik was enough to make me regret coming to the town, but knowing him and his whole crew are here makes me lose the good mood that Astrid put me in. "Besides I got to spend some quality time with my girl in the shower just now," I wink at Astrid, "hope we didn't disrupt your sleep, I didn't realize that she was a screamer."

Astrid's mouth dropped open, and I almost laugh, "Darling, please fix your face. You know that I'm right. Hell, the whole town probably heard you at this point."

If looks could've killed, I would be six feet under. It's better than Erik though, I know for a fact that he would be 12 feet under me from the stunt he pulled when we were on her ship. I look away from Astrid and back at Erik, who is also staring at me as if he wants to put a bullet between my eyes. I smile at him and in the corner of my eyes, I can see Astrid slip her last shoe on. I grab her hand and look at Erik, "Well that's our cue to go."

With that I drag Astrid down the hallway, and I can hear Erik groan as he runs after us. I look back at Astrid, "Don't trip over your own feet, and don't stop running until I say."

I turn down the hallway to the back door and with the yank of her arm she follows me. We're almost to the door when one of Erik's men comes out of the room with the vending machines to the left and when he sees us, he puts his hands out to try and stop us, but we push him to the ground and continue on out the door. Thankfully, this door leads straight out to the market so it should be easy to get lost in the crowd. Unfortunately, there seems to be a fight that has already broken out between my crew and Erik's.

I shake my head as I watch one of my men charge one of Erik's rowers and decide that I'm not going to watch him get pulverized today. I will give it to Erik when it comes to his rowers, they are the strongest men I've yet to meet. I jerk Astrid to the right and we take off running to the marina at the back of this town. I had my men take one of our boats into the main marina this morning and then Astrid and I took her boat to this one, just in case something like this happened.

We make it back to her boat without further incident, and we're able to take off. We're about a mile away from the marina when we hear someone clear their throat behind us and without looking I throw my head back and I groan, because I know exactly who it is. 

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