Chapter 7: The mysterious book / A new folks / Founded eachother

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Emily letterson POV

For a next day at the morning in trap door, I were drawing my memory book with drawings as an sketches after Hankin gave me an steampunk notebook, but especially Fletcher, Because he's planning on his notebook how to escape from the mine, Well, I'm pretty sure I remember Randy told us all we could wait til 1 week when we're about to escape, were not even escaping right now, we should wait until one week.

After we all clean ourselves up and get ready, we were working in the mine, and Fistful told us we have to get back to our group of 3 like last night shift, So Avery and I decided we were gathered around back to Amaya so we make sure we've stayed in a group together "Are we gonna get back to different mine were we left off?" Avery asked."No, we're just gonna dig different because you know there's gonna be monster over there, right?" We went over a diamond ore which it stucks on a ground, So we start to dig in and keep having a hard work while mining, Later on at lunch, it got some full basket of fresh wet strawberries that it looked cleaned "Mhh, strawberries is looking good" Randy replies and grabbed a strawberry "Hey! It's our strawberry! That's even belong to us, and we hope you all hunters starve yourselves like yourself, Elephant!"

The overweight teenage punk boy replied, and I noticed they began to fight and argue with each other

Randy: *pushed hard* "Yo, who are you talking to?"

Eric: *pushed back* "I'm talking to you, fatso! You have so much junk food inside your large stomach like go eat some vegetables!"

Randy: *pushes him so hard* And look at yourself, you ate a whole of a food and makes me and everyone skinny like a whole skeletons!

Eric: *Pushes* At least I'm hungry!

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