Chapter 2

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After having felt like I had the worst migraine in history, I feel everything finally wash away. Confusion and panick set in as I realized that the car was crashing into mine. Frightened, I woke up as my eyes were scorched with bright light as I heard someone speaking.

"Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." Ralof says the welcoming line.

Confused, I know exactly what's to be said next, but to have it happen like this?

"Damn you, Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn’t been looking for you, I could’ve stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell. You there. You and me — we shouldn't be here. It’s these Stormcloaks the Empire wants." Lokir says as he always had

Part of me is tempted to mimic their words as they say their lines. Wouldn't it be better to warn them of the dragon attack and save some lives in Helgen, at least?

"We’re all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief." Ralof tries silencing him.

The guard growing annoyed shouts, "Shut up back there!!!"

The next thing to come after this should be realizing that Ulfric is with us and then soon after arriving in Helgen. I don't remember the introduction being this windy, though.

Lokir looks towards Ulfric "And what's wrong with him?"

The gusts of wind grow stronger as Lokir realizes his situation.

Ralof grows defensive as he raises his voice "Watch your tongue! You’re speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King."

Lokir panics "Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You’re the leader of the rebellion. But if they captured you… Oh gods, where are they.."

Suddenly, our carriage gets turned over as I hear wind gushing around me. Being tossed out of the carriage, my breath is stolen, slamming into the ground. Dizzy and weak, I see the Imperial guards escorting us running away, dropping their swords. It looks like Ulfric is already making his escape as Ralof helps him out of his binds. Trying to get up, I feel myself pushed to ground once more, yet again stealing my breath away.

Opening my eyes, I notice a large black dragon towering over me. Feeling giant scaly claws wrap around me, Alduin speaks.

"Los hi fin gein, zu'u haalvut kos voth fin dovah?" I can smell Alduins' breath as it invades my nose.

"W-what?" asking frightened and confused. Never had the intro been like this.

"Is one the dov one sensed?" Alduin asks in a deep voice that's feminine?

If I am the dragon born as the story goes, my best bet is to tell him? Her? Alduin that I'm not. Regardless, I don't think it matters as I feel Alduin taking a deep breath of me.

"Nii ni hahdrim gein haalvut do Akantosh... zok med nunon aan zaam do ok" Alduins eyes dissect me.

"One smells not of known... chances one should not take" Being pulled into a hold in Alduins talons I see us lift off the ground as I'm flown away from Helgen.

We fly for a while as I watch myself travel across Skyrim in a near instant before we finally land on some ruins as I'm dropped. Thankfully, this time, I didn't fall onto the ground and get the wind knocked away from me. Noticing my surroundings, I see some draugrs approach me before I feel some grab me from behind. Their hands cold and fleshy, smelling of rotten flesh.

"OK I'm officially confused what the fuck is happening" I shout noticing I have a new voice filled with a soft warmth of a young maiden.

Alduin leans in towards me as she speaks, "one senses Akantosh.." Pausing to send daggers of annoyance and anger,"one is tired of one's pets." Growing frightened, I try to escape.

"Cease dovah for one craves not one's end... but only one's live.. stop, one will stop sending.. pests, " Alduin says with disdain as she blocks my escape with her tail. A tail riff with scars or as she would say, one's tail.

Alduin watches as the draugr drag me off. Locking cold metal around, chaining me down. Not without doing my best to kick and scream, they budge not, except to shove me back. Regardless of my best, I was overwhelmed by strength and numbers as they forced me into my standing prison, a tomb. The earlier combatants glare warnings as one approaches. Glancing at the draugr as they hold a priests knife riasing it ceremonyisly. The draugr plunges the blade into my shoulder without remorse. Pain tears throughout down my veins, tormenting with a scorching intensity.

As a dragon priest approaches, appearing as a hovering, rotten corpse, wearing a hooded mask. The priest raises their arms as magicka channels into me, Alduin shouts, "Lingrah laas aan gein fen ko lingrath praan." The magicka channeling throughout shifts from a warm tingling to a chilling freeze that sends sharp spikes of ice down my spine.

Once, the tomb lid slowly slided over, encasing myself in darkness and uncertainty. So does my mind as I feel it wander into sleep.

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