**Chapter 2: The Quest for Knowledge

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One rainy evening Ayah sat corner of her favorite window, enjoying the scenario of the Greenish Mountain and blurry busy street. How people are running from rain to find shelter, some are walking with umbrella, and some school kids are playing in rain water, she enjoying all those things with smile, wondering about everything. In her lap a long thick novel placed. She was lost in the world of that story, her mind wandering with the characters of that novel... It was a simple tale of friendship and freedom, a girl who lived her life the way she wanted, without worrying anything. She wonders why life can't be that simple. Why we have certain rules? Why we have followed it? Is that necessary to follow?

The story had pulled her into a world so different from her own girls from another faith, living their lives freely and without the limitation that Ayah was so accustomed to. These girls travelled wherever they wanted, wore modern clothes, socialized without boundaries, and seemed to navigate life without any of the rules ayah had known since childhood. As she read, a swirl of emotions filled her heart. The characters in the novel seemed so carefree, so unburdened by the responsibilities and rituals that were a central part of her life.

Just then, the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the room, followed by the sound of her mother's gentle footsteps. Ayah looked up as her mother entered, carrying two cups of coffee.

"I thought you might like some company," her mother said, her voice warm and soothing as she handed Ayah one of the cups and sat down beside her.

"Thank you, Mama," Ayah said, offering a small smile as she took a sip.

The warmth of the coffee spread through her, but the questions rolled in her mind remained. After a few moments of comfortable silence, her mother glanced at the novel in Ayah's lap.

"What are you reading?" she asked her tone curious but gentle.

"It's a novel about girls with freedom and who spread their wings to fly," Ayah explained.

Her mother curiously asked, "freedom & fly?'

"They live so differently from us. They don't follow any of the rules we do, no hijab, no salah. They seem so free, like they can do whatever they want without thinking about anything else. They are flying high without any weight on them" Her mother nodded, understanding the confusion in her daughter's voice.

Her mother asked her gently "what is freedom for you?"

When she hear this question she started to wonder about what is freedom because she always thought what other doing in the name of freedom is her, but when her asked this her mind wonder ' what is freedom for me?' she never thought about it. She always compared her life with others only. Now this question hit her hard. When her mother saw her sitting silently,

"It's natural to wonder about these things, Ayah. We live in a world where people have different beliefs and ways of life. But we must remember that true freedom is not just about doing whatever we want but achieving peace in what we do, It's about living in a way that brings us closer to Allah and fulfils our true purpose in life." Her mom said.

Ayah looked down at the novel, the words on the page suddenly feeling heavy with meaning.

Her mother continued, "freedom is different for everyone dear, its not about going out or living like others, its about how you feel inside, real freedom is express your own self without what other think about you, living the way you want which gives you peace of mind... you will find ups and downs but you have to tackle it."

"But Mama, they seem so happy. They live without all the rules we have. Why do we have to follow them? Why can't we be free like they are?" Her mother reached over her hand, and gently placing a hand on Ayah's.

"My dear, we are free. Islam gives us a different kind of freedom. a freedom that comes from knowing we are living our lives in a way that pleases Allah. The rules we follow, the hijab, the salah, these are not restrictions but blessings. They are a way for us to maintain our connection with Allah, to remind us of His love and His presence in our lives." Her mom explained.

Ayah listened intently, the confusion in her heart slowly giving way to a deeper understanding.

"We live independently, too," her mother continued. "But our independence is guided by the principles of Islam. We can pursue knowledge, explore the world, and make our own choices, all while staying true to our faith. The difference is that we prioritize pleasing Allah above all else. We know that life is temporary and that our ultimate goal is to return to Him." Her mother's words were like a peace to Ayah's confused soul. She didn't cross her mind that the hijab, salah theses things bring you closer to Allah (swt).

"Remember, Ayah," her mother said softly, "Allah has given us the Qur'an as a guide. It's filled with wisdom and love, showing us the best way to live our lives. When we follow its teachings, we're not just following rules. We're living in a way that ensures our success in this life and the Hereafter. What we do here, in this world, is temporary. But the rewards for following Allah's guidance are eternal." Ayah felt a sense of peace begin to settle over her. But still some questions crossed her mind like, without these things Allah won't love us? Her confusion soul is not resting, wonder more things

"But what about the girls in the novel? They don't have these rules, and they seem so happy." Her mother smiled gently, her eyes filled with understanding. "Happiness means different things to different people. What we see on the surface doesn't always reflect what's inside. As Muslims, our happiness comes from knowing that we're fulfilling the purpose Allah has given us. It's a deeper, lasting happiness that isn't dependent on what we have or what we do, but on our relationship with Allah. The world offers many ways to live, but we have to choose the path that leads to the peace and contentment that only faith can bring." They sat quietly for a moment, the only sound being the rain against the window.

Ayah's thoughts were calmer now, more focused. She looked at her mother, who had always been her source of wisdom and guidance. "How do I find that kind of happiness, Mama?" Her mother smiled, her eyes shining with love. "By seeking knowledge and understanding, Ayah. The more you learn about Islam, the more you'll understand the beauty of our way of life. You'll see that the rules are not there to restrict you, but to protect you and guide you toward what's best. And always remember, your journey is unique. Everyone has their own path to walk, their own challenges and purposes. You'll find your way, in sha Allah." With that, her mother stood up and walked to the room over to the bookshelf. She selected a book and brought it back to Ayah, handing it to her with a reassuring smile. "This book helped me when I was searching for answers. It might help you too. It's about the blessings of the Qur'an and what Allah wants for us. Take your time with it. You don't have to find all the answers at once." Her mom said.

Ayah took the book, feeling its weight in her hands. She looked at the cover, then back at her mother, her heart full of gratitude.

"Thank you, Mama. I'll read it." Her mother leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "Remember, my dear, nothing is more important than pleasing Allah. And the more you seek knowledge, the closer you'll get to understanding your purpose in this world." Her mom went kitchen for prepare dinner.

Ayah sit with peace of mind in quit room. As the rain continued to fall, Ayah felt a sense of calm and clarity she hadn't experienced before. She glanced back at the novel she had been reading and then at the new book in her hands. She realized that her journey was just beginning, but with her mother's guidance and the teachings of Islam, she felt ready to take the next step.

The room was filled with warmth, not just from the coffee and the shared memories, but from the understanding that Ayah was not alone in her quest for knowledge and peace. She had her mother, her faith, and the endless wisdom of the Qur'an to guide her through.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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