Thirty Two- The After Effects.

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****Cierra’s POV*****

The party ended early when no one could stand on their feet any longer, pretty much everyone clamed a patch on the floor and slept there, Me and Andy were the only people who lived here that found their own bed, Jake and Britainey ended up asleep cuddled on the kitchen island. When I woke up I found that I was the second one Up, right behind Britainey who was trying not to wake her boyfriend who had somehow ended up on the floor. I snickered when I noticed she was standing in the kitchen counting out all the people in the house.

“Ben’s band is five people,” she said as she grabbed five glasses to add to however many she had already on the counter, “Dahvie and Jayy,” two glasses added to the mix, “the girl from last night,” another glass, I watched her count all the glasses and smile semi triumphantly. Next from the counter near the stove she grabbed the huge bottle of Advil, sliding it next to the glasses she started filling them with water. I walked up beside her and took the glasses placing them on the island center as she filled the next one. 

When all the glasses were prepared she opened some grocery bags and placed a banana next to each glass I gave her a funny look when she caught my eyes. “What?” she whispered at me, I looked between the bananas and her and she blushed. “ I read it in a fan fiction that they cure hangovers,” she told me like it was common knowledge which I guess it was because she cracked open one and began eating it before drinking the rest of a water that was sitting on the windowsill. I followed her lead and low and behold it worked. 

“wow,” I said as I threw the peel away in the trash. She just smiled as she leaned down to wake Jake. When he was awoken she told him where to find his glass and banana and walked out of the room dragging me behind to start waking people from their slumbers. I took the living room and hall that lead to my room, and she took her hall upstairs and whoever finished first had to get whoever ended up outside. When that was done we gathered around the living room and Britainey cooked some sort of casserole French toast thing, from the smell I knew it was going to be good. 

“what the hell happened to my shirt?” Danny asked finally looking down at his bare chest, I laughed remembering where I found him.

“From what I can tell you lost it when you decided to dive into the bathtub,” I informed, I had found him bent over the side of the tub out cold.

“Dude,” Ben said with a light tone to his voice, “that’s a new one to add to your drunk list,”

“Danny you have an actual list?” Mike Fuentes asked from his place leaning against the glass door.

“No,” Cameron answers for him, “the whole band does, they are all mostly him though.”

Britainey walked out to us and threw a black shirt at Danny he held it up and laughed.  “Britainey found it!” he shouted laughing.

“Nice,” Austin Carlile remarked leaning his head against Danny’s shoulder and was out before we could think anything, I stood up and pushed on his shoulder trying to wake him up but he was out like a light. Giving up I ran into my bedroom and grabbed my phone, I came out snapped a picture and posted it to twitter. Sitting back into Andy’s lap I leaned back and looked at all of our guests.

I was zoning out when Britainey walked back into the living room and over to me, she kicked my bare foot with hers and gestured to the hall way, I stood up and followed her; we stopped inside my room and she cocked an eyebrow. 

“wanna give them to the boys now?” she asked, I perked up immediately and jumped in place, I raced back out smacked Ronnie and Ben on the shoulders and told them to follow me. They did so and when they saw Brit grabbing boxes they followed her lead. I had Andy’s, Ronnie had Jinxx, Britainey had Ashley’s, and Ben had Jakes and CC’s since they were both relatively smaller.

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