Wednesday 18th September 2024‘For the LORD gives wisdom.’ Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
Maybe you’re facing graduation. More frequently than ever before, people are switching to different jobs and companies and changing their whole careers. In 2014, career specialist Andy Chan observed that young adults will face, on average, twenty-nine jobs over their lifetime. In 2013 Oxford researchers predicted that about half the jobs will be replaced with technology by 2033. So, how do you adjust to a constantly changing environment? Perhaps you’re in a rut. Your life is safe but unrewarding. You want to do more or be more. Perhaps you’re facing an empty nest. You abruptly find independence and time and options that have been unavailable to you for a few decades. What’s the best way to use them? Possibly you’re retiring. What might God have next for you? Maybe you have travelled abroad and seen a great need or have investigated a problem and want to make a difference. What should you do next? Perhaps you’re considering marriage. How can you tell if this person is the right one? What if you make a mistake? Or maybe you have been agonising over a lost opportunity in your past. Will God give you another one?
In answering these questions, you must keep two things in mind. First and foremost, God is more interested in what you become than where you go or what you do for a living. ‘And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose’ (Romans 8:28 NKJV). Second, you will save yourself time, trouble, and possible heartache by consulting God before making any decision. ‘For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding;’ (Proverbs 2:6 NKJV).
SoulFood: Mic 1-4 Luke 22:24-38 Ps 78:65-72 Pro 24:10-14
Daily Bible verse for everyone
SpiritualThis story is meant for those who want to know the word of God especially if you are a Christian. No flames and critics allowed in the comment section, please. 🙏