Chapter 7

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Yoongi reached the guest house around mid-morning. As the family settled in, Yoongi waited. He waited for his friend and classmate, as well as roommate Namjoon, to come to him. Namjoon and Yoongi had decided to stay together for this holiday—the last of sorts before adult life started. Before money, responsibilities, spouses, or anything else started.

Yoongi's parents readily agreed, as they liked Namjoon a lot. Good grades, good reputation, good kid. Namjoon was joining them around 3 or 4 in the evening. Yoongi knew he had to keep the turmoil inside until then.

Finally, these two got some alone time around 5 Pm. They were sitting on the porch swing in the large garden of the guest house. Away from any earshot of his parents. Yoongi went to narrate the morning, which was starting to look like his original villain story—he just did not know it yet.

Namjoon let him say his piece but somehow, without words, as if upon agreement, he started talking about Jinho.

"You know, I was so surprised when you first met Jinho and told her you were engaged." Namjoon smiled and said, feet playing with the grass.

"I started visiting her house a lot and she used to get teased at college because of it and I saw she was uncomfortable around me. Thus, to get that awkwardness out, I told her that." Yoongi smiled back, thinking about those glances while passing each other in his professor's house.

"She was so pretty; all the boys had a crush on her, but I knew you had a connection.". Namjoon said it with a warm smile. He remembered those days well.

"Yeah, we were subtle but she wasn't. One day she just stormed into the library and asked, Are you going to do something about us, Yoongi, or no?" Yoongi snorted and chuckled. It was an embarrassing day that he would always remember. He didn't like attention and the way the entire library looked at him that day, he was stunned.!!

"I remember you were so scared to come back and talk to your mom and dad," Namjoon fondly said.

"Mom's only question was, What do her parents do?" Yoongi said, looking at Namjoon, and they both laughed.

"It has always been important for your parents to know the stature, especially the education, of everyone they are dealing with. It makes sense, your dad is a high-ranking official and he has his post's dignity to maintain." Namjoon said it as if he were thinking aloud.

"In a blink of an eye, it was all settled, but I wouldn't want to change anything. She's a headstrong person; that is one thing I value the most." Yoongi smiled, thinking about Jinho. He respected Jinho for being so independent.

The holiday was going well, and things were going fine. Both boys spent most of the day walking up and down the estate boundaries. While walking on the market-side boundary of the estate, they would often see Aehyun—as Yoongi and Namjoon knew him—going by, spreading joy.

There were days when Aehyun used to blow a flying kiss their way and some days when he would just dance randomly. One day, Aehyun paid more attention to the tall guy next to Yoongi. He got to understand that they were friends. He sent a green balloon with a bunch of leaves tied to its end their way, gesturing that this one was for the tall boy.

Yoongi, on the other hand, suddenly felt a strange sense of relief at being away from Jinho. There was no problem with her or around her. He too didn't know why he was feeling happy being away, as a newly engaged couple, they should be yearning to spend every waking minute next to each other, or so he believed.


Taehyun stroked his dark hair back, his fingers trembling slightly. In stark contrast to the laughter that usually danced within his eyes, the young man reflected a look of determination in the mirror. He buttoned his shirt precisely, each click bringing him closer to the decision that made his heart race.

The knowledge of Yoongi's engagement to Jin-ho weighed heavily on his mind, an unspoken barrier he wanted to cross, but was trying to maneuver around. He did not want to contend as a rival for affection or intimacy but as a friend seeking the light that Yoongi emitted, a light that cut through Taehyung's silent world, promising shared laughter and unspoken understanding.

He put on a jacket, the fabric a little worn out and yet hugging his frame nicely, a silent defense against a society that frequently looked past him. Aehyun was aware of the risks and whispers that might follow, but the attraction to Yoongi was magnetic and undeniable. A connection to someone who saw beyond his disability and recognized the adventure and wit that defined him.

As the sun dipped below the horizon in the evening, the expansive shadows cast by the Jeon Household became increasingly longer. Taehyung's heart pounded in his chest, a drumbeat pushing him forward. He straightened his shoulders and stepped onto the grounds, where the ball dance event would take place, and where Yoongi's world awaited.

His hands, which were always used to express himself, seemed strangely motionless. They would soon transform the air into words, conveying the bravery that had brought him here. Taehyung fixed his charming smile, allowing it to conceal his nervousness.

With each step toward the ballroom, Taehyung's resolve grew stronger. His life was an example of conquering silence, and he was no stranger to challenges. Tonight, he would not be discouraged. He came here for friendship, the joy of discovering another person's world, and the opportunity to write new stories in the silence that surrounded him.

So, amidst the glittering lights and swaying figures, Taehyung prepared to meet Yoongi, to offer a helping hand based on kinship rather than need. The music grew louder, creating a vibration that was felt rather than heard.

Taehyung slipped through the grand double doors with his pulse racing. The ballroom spread before him, a sea of finery and laughter. He edged along the wall, conscious of the guards scanning the crowd with hawk-like precision. Their eyes flickered with suspicion, skimming past him before doubling back and questioning. He dove behind a column, holding his breath tightly.

The room was alive with conversation and the clink of crystals. Taehyung felt vibrations underfoot, with each step of the waltzing couple causing ripples in the polished floor. His gaze cut through the crowd, focusing on a lean figure across the room. Yoongi stood motionless by the fireplace, his gaze fixed on the man next to him.

Taehyung drew closer, aware of the watchful guards. His heart tapped a staccato rhythm against his ribs as he sought cover behind servers and guests alike. He studied Yoongi, noting how his hands moved with quiet emphasis, the tilt of his head as he listened, and the soft glow from the fireplace that caught in his glasses.

Yoongi laughed, a sound Taehyung couldn't hear but imagined: a melodic tenor that matched the calm intellect in his eyes. That open, genuine smile drew Taehyung forward like a moth to a flame. He waited patiently for an opening, a pause in the conversation, and a change in focus.

The tall friend gesticulated, sharing a story or a joke, and Yoongi's expression softened to amusement. In that shared mirth, Taehyung discovered his break. He emerged from the shadows, prepared to bridge the gap between aspiration and reality.

But a strong grip encircled Taehyung's arm. The security guard, a big man in a black suit, whispered firm assurances of a quick exit. Taehyung's pulse quickened, his eyes darting for an escape, but then Yoongi met his gaze. A silent plea hung between them, a thread of understanding in the crowded room.

"Let him be," Yoongi said calmly but authoritatively. The guard hesitated, his brow furrowed with confusion. Yoongi's stance was firm, an unspoken gravity pulling on the words he had just said.

The grip on Taehyung's arm loosened. He let out a sigh of relief that filled the room with its cool air. Now that he wasn't afraid of being thrown out, he took a step forward, his steps steady even though his heart was beating fast.

Yoongi's tall friend turned around, looking interested. Taehyung confronted him, his hands extended with intent. As they shook hands, he said "Aehyun," profoundly in their silence.

Namjoon watched, his brow quirking in interest. TAehyun pointed at himself before curving his hand towards Yoongi. His gestures told a story of desire—to ask Yoongi for a dance.

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