Ch 03 Flowers and Crazy Demands

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  In a big room with lush pieces of intricate wooden furniture with blue velvet cushions. A canopy in the background covered in light yellow sheets and white curtains, warm light shining through white silk curtains. A brush moves against a canvas and gives it color as Charlotte hums, adding more yellow to the sunflowers she was painting. The smell of paints filled the room within its lilac walls.

She was proud of the progress that was being made with this piece, as the person she had become didn't know how to paint. It was frustrating and exciting to do her journey of art again. Her mind wandered as she thought about what desserts she would have with Skyrana the next time she visited. Her mouth started to drool as she thought of the sweet tarts, fresh cream on cakes, and gooey chocolates with raspberry filling. The desserts float above her and around her in her head. This however, was interrupted as her door burst open and left a loud echo. In came her maids like a rush of black and white orcas, chirping away and talking to her all at once."Wait, wait what's going on?!", she stammered out, but getting drowned out by chatter and people yelling from sides of the room, "would you all stop it?!". Her shriek bringing silence to them. She started to feel nervous as she caught her breath. Hair seemingly sticking in different directions. They scurried to line up in front of her in rows. Straightening her back and fixing her hair, she let out a sigh. She hated seeming like a strict lady of the house, but they often pushed boundaries once she got too laid back with their actions.

She put one leg over the other on her plush stool. "Now, tell me what's going on and calmly", she emphasized, her irritation simmering. The maids collectively shove one of the shorter maids to the front of the crowd; Maria got off her stool. Striding to the girl and stopping in front of her with a raised eyebrow. Being closer now, she could see the maids shaking hands as they fidgeted together. " There is word that the crown prince will be arriving at the manor soon", she stammered out. Maria looked at them more confused than ever with question marks floating over her head. "Then what is the ruckus about?", she said, her eyes watching the maids look at each other silently and hesitantly, "well? Speak freely and tell me".

Silence again fell over the room as they collectively trembled before bursting with squeals like a confetti popper was just set off. Maria took a step back from them as they began to chatter again. She lifted a finger to scold them again but a maid grabbed her hand in excitement.

"Think about it my lady, why else would the crown prince come on such short notice?", she squealed.

"What if he proposes?" another maid chirped.

"And with her father away? How scandalous of him!", a third said excitedly, holding her flushed cheeks.

"He must not be able to stay away from our lady"

"Especially if he's risking a scandal to see her!".

The maids collectively squeal again as Maria cringed at their fantasizing. She had only talked to him a handful of times-when watching her father do business- out of courtesy. Rumors had started amongst the maids when the prince had given her a dry compliment about her hair when they were alone.Talks of sparkles, roses, and 'love' being around them-of course heavily dramatized eyes-became near short novel with the many details added on. In reality both were feeling the chill of awkwardness while they waited for her father. Ever since then any mention of the crown prince would set off another wave of exaggerated rumors. The flame of this problem was fanned into a bigger disaster when rumors left the manor and spread amongst nobles, like ants going to sugar. She thought the talk amongst the people had died down, but now it seemed the mansion was going to become extra noisy again for a while. Denying the rumors now would only spread them faster. Their excitement however, reminded her of her own when she read and speculated about when the main characters would get together. Making it hard to scold them at times. Sighing with a smile, she raised her hand to quiet them again." Alright, since we have so little time you must get me ready quickly, but!", she slightly raised her voice " No overdoing it... please". She tried to say it teasingly to lighten their mood but only ended up smiling nervously when the maids flinched and blinked at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26 ⏰

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