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Lily's pov
       ૮꒰˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ~♡︎
/づ 🍦づ

I don't even know where we are going but everything and anything is better with Penelope even of she is so annoying sometimes but she's still my best friend and it's what makes her...better then others.

I run a little faster to catch up with her grabbing her shoulder. " If we are going to race you haveee to tell me where we're going" Her coffee brown eyes look back at me " Let me think... nope" she smiles as she starts running again heading towards the concrete pathways. Oh my god here we go again with the running.

Stopping next to her when she stops at a small blue bench, my legs hurting from all the running I need to sit down, I'm gonna sit down. "So now that we have stopped, what are we doing on the boardwalk?" Saying a little out of breath. "We're getting ice cream! We can be all aesthetic with our ice cream taking pictures at sunset."
Grinning as she finishes speaking, grabbing my arm and forcing me up "Ugh you bitchh! I wanna sit" "Come onnn it's only a little farther." She's so cute when she smiles like that. Wait not like that.. in a best friend way...


"Okk my god, I'm coming you're gonna rip my arm out of it's socket if you keep pulling it like that" "You're so dramatic" She pulls it one more time a smirk on her lips before letting go.

૮꒰˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ~♡︎
/づ 🍦づ
Penelope pov

" Hi what can I get you girls today?" I haven't even thought about what I wanted damn it. " Hi, can I please have.. a chocolate chip cookie dough cone please" "Ooo, make that two!" Looking over at Lily I mouth 'copy cat' in response she smiles and flips me off. "Ok your total will be 6 dollars and 50 cents, cash or card?" "Um cash please"I say as I pull out a crumpled 10 dollar bill from my purse and hand it to the cashier. "Thank you! You can pick your ice creams up at the window over there." She points over to a small window before heading inside to scoop our ice creams.

Suddenly I feel her hand on my arm the contact makes my stomach have butterflies. I'm probably just hungry. "Let's go sit while they make our ice cream my legs hurt."  "You complain soooo much" I say through a small laugh as she glares at me making the urge to laugh stronger. I try to stop but when my smile doesn't go away, I receive a hard whack on the head

"My pain isn't funny" "Oh but it is" Still grinning as she drags me to a set of pink benches near the shop.

She plops down and smiles " Finallyy! Relief from the pain you caused me" Sitting down next to her I look over at her I start to study her features as she goes on her phone. The sunlight is hitting her face in a way that makes her suntan skin glow making her sage green eyes shimmer, the freckles dotting her nose and her lips a beautiful light rose. The smile on her face making her eyes crinkle. Every feature on her face could light up the darkest times and it does. I think... no nevermind

"Heyy, hey, hey, hey PENELOPE!" I snap back to reality "Sorry what?" She grabs my face and turns it aggressively but gentle at the same time pointing to the pick up window. "Our ice cream is ready and I'm sacrificing you to the ice cream getterness demon" " What the fuck is a getterness demon?" Saying while laughing a little "It's the amazing word I made up that means go get the god damn ice cream! please"

Rolling my eyes as I look at her "Only because you said please" I stand up and walk over to the little pickup window grabbing the two cones. Only after taking a few steps the ice cream starts dripping all over my hand, shit.

I run over to Lily handing her ice cream  before licking the melted ice cream off my hand. "We haven't even started eating yet how are you already so messy?" She says laughing as she takes a bite of hers. Her laugh oh my god it's so cute! Wait why am I thinking that.. What is happening?!?
૮꒰˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ~♡︎
/づ 🍦づ

"This is so goodd" Popping the last bit of the cone into my mouth. "Oh my god I know! You should spoil me wayyy more often" She says giggling as she swallows her last bite. I'm about to respond when I hear my phone ringing in my purse. Reaching over grabbing it before opening the pocket. Reading the contact on my phone my mom's picture covering the screen. "One sec it's my mom" Saying quickly as I answer.

"Hi momm, wassup?"

"Hey hun! Just letting you know I'm on the way to pick you too up, I'm about 5 minutes away"

" Okayy we will see you soon!"

"Love you El"

"Love you too mom"

Hanging up and putting the phone away I turn back to Lily. "Sorry about that but mom's on the way." "Mom? You mean your mom?" Rolling my eyes before smiling " You know what I mean you have called my mom your mom for years" Smiling back at me "Oh I know I just wanted to make make a deal out of it" Grinning I flip her off just as my mom pulls up.

A/N - Chapter 3 should be posted later sooo two chapters one dayy -Bella <3

A/N - Chapter 3 should be posted later sooo two chapters one dayy -Bella <3

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