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Nick was on the side of the group as they were running to the Grievers home with Thomas leading them. She kept glancing back at Newt to make sure he was keeping up with the rest of them considering his limp.

Minho was by her side, Teresa and Chuck were behind Thomas as she had told them too since she doubted there was much they could do in this situation. 

“Everybody this way!” Thomas continued to shout encouragement, “Keep it up guys we’re almost there!” 

His words finished the same time he lifted up a fist slowing the whole group down. Nick glanced at Minho who was already looking at her before they both made their way to the front. 

Nick went to peer over the corner when Thomas tugged her back by her jacket collar. She looked at him with slight irritation and he nodded his head to the left. Swallowing thickly, she peaked around the corner immediately recoiling back out of sight. 

“Is it a Griever?” Frypan whispered. 

Nick nodded her head at his whisper before whispering, “Yeah.” 

There was a low ‘shit’ from Chuck earning him a warning glare off of Nick, Minho and Thomas. 

Minho turned to Chuck, handing him the key from the Griever. “Take this Chuck. Stay behind us.” 

“It's okay guys.” Teresa nodded, putting her hair up and looking at the small boy, “Just stick with me.” 

Nick turned to the group of boys who all had their eyes on her. Among the crowd Newt’s eyes caught hers and he gave her an encouraging smile. 

“Once we’re through it will activate and the door will open. We stay close, we stick together.. we get through this.” She looked around the group at each boy separately, “We get out now.. or we die trying.” 

Thomas glanced at Minho before turning to the group, “Ready?” 

There were some nods and Thomas raised his spear into the air, the other boys following his actions. Nick tightened her grip on the machete in her hand and checked the sharper blade was out of the Griever leg resting on her arm. 

“Alright… let's go!” 


The metallic screech of the Grievers echoed through the air as Nick sprinted forward, heart pounding not with fear, but with a fierce determination. The bridge was narrow, and she could already hear the scraping claws of more Grievers climbing up from the sides. 

Their grotesque forms flickered in the dim light, mechanical arms whirring, their bladed appendages hungry for blood.

"Go!" Nick barked at Teresa and Chuck. 

They didn't hesitate, weaving through the chaos, desperate to reach the door without having to fight. Nick's eyes flicked towards the monsters ahead, and without missing a beat, she charged.

A Griever lunged for her, metal spikes gleaming. Nick dropped to the ground in a swift roll, dodging the creature's vicious swipe. She sprang back up, plunging her blade deep into its exposed underbelly. 

A mechanical shriek ripped through the air as it convulsed, gears sparking before it collapsed, dead.

"Keep moving!" Minho yelled from somewhere behind her.

Nick whirled, spotting Newt struggling near the side of the bridge. A Griever had him pinned, its metal teeth closing in on his throat. Without thinking, she sprinted towards him, leaping onto the creature's back and stabbing it repeatedly until it screeched and collapsed. 

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⏰ Last updated: 20 hours ago ⏰

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