Guests ♠️

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Felix stood behind his glass window, the cold surface pressed against his cheek as he squinted down at the scene unfolding below. Black cars, sleek and intimidating, had pulled up quietly in front of the house. One after another, they parked, the engines humming low before falling silent. Felix frowned, his fingers twitching at the edge of the curtain. Who were these people?

He lingered by the window, a part of him assuming they were there to visit his parents. They had to be—his father had connections, and his mother was always entertaining. But Felix wasn’t fond of people, especially strangers, so he stayed upstairs, dwelling in the familiar solitude of his room. Time passed, maybe an hour, but the cars remained. Felix’s curiosity began to gnaw at him.

What could they be talking about for so long? he wondered.

Eventually, his curiosity outweighed his usual avoidance of visitors. He wandered down the hall, his footsteps soft on the floorboards, careful not to make a sound. The murmur of voices drifted from downstairs. When he reached the edge of the staircase, Felix peered through the shadows, straining to hear. That’s when he caught the sound of his father's voice—strained, fearful, a tremble Felix had never heard before.

“Please… Please, give me a few more days, Zhang. Please,” his father begged, his voice barely above a whisper but filled with fear.

Felix’s heart pounded in his chest. His father never begged. But here he was, pleading with someone, this Zhang person. A chill ran down Felix’s spine. Who was Zhang? And why was his father so afraid?

Felix’s breath caught as he watched from the shadows. The man who his father called Zhang stood tall in the living room, his presence commanding, radiating danger. He was dressed in a sleek, black flamboyant suit that seemed too pristine for the darkness he carried with him. His sharp features were highlighted by the dim light in the room, the edges of his jawline rigid, his expression unyielding. A small tea cup, delicate and almost absurdly out of place in his large hand, threatened to shatter under his grip.

Zhang's voice was low but powerful, laced with menace. “Well… I’m sorry to say, but it’s too late for you,” Zhang said, his eyes narrowing as he focused on Felix's father, Mr. Lomon. “You even made me come follow you, Mr. Lomon. I never do that.”

Felix’s heart raced as Zhang leaned forward, his every word dripping with threat. “You humiliated me… and now, you will pay the price.”

Felix watched as his father shrank under the weight of Zhang’s words, his hands trembling as they clutched the arm of the chair. Fear settled like a heavy stone in Felix’s chest. Zhang’s jet-black hair, permed and perfectly styled with a noticeable undercut, added to his imposing look. This was not just any man. He was dangerous, powerful. And whatever his father had done, it had clearly enraged Zhang beyond return.

Felix felt helpless as he crouched at the top of the stairs, his mind racing with questions. What had his father gotten himself into? And how far would Zhang go to exact his revenge?

Jenna, oblivious to the tension that gripped the room, walked in with light, carefree steps. Her innocent voice rang out as she called,
"Daddy!" rushing towards her father, who was kneeling on the carpeted floor. Felix stood nearby, fear gnawing at him, watching as Jenna unknowingly moved closer to danger. Zhang, the man who loomed large over the room, was not to be trusted—his threats subtle but ever-present.

Felix’s pulse quickened. He saw his mother entering the room, her face pale and etched with terror as she reached out for Jenna. "Jenna, please, come with me. Let Daddy talk to our guests," she pleaded, her voice trembling as her hands shook.

But Zhang’s sinister voice cut through the air. "Oh no, it’s okay," he said, a fake sweetness coating his words as he gently patted Jenna’s head. "She can also be here with her Daddy. Right, Jenna?" The little girl, oblivious to the danger, smiled up at him and nodded.

Felix’s heart pounded in his chest. He couldn't just stand there any longer, helpless. His sister was in danger, and he couldn't trust this man for a second. Before he could hesitate, he descended the stairs, feeling the weight of Zhang's gaze on him. The room fell silent as Felix crossed to Jenna, his nerves taut like a wire ready to snap.

Without missing a beat, Felix scooped Jenna into his arms and carried her out to the garden, the tension of the room still heavy on his shoulders. No one—not even a man like Zhang—would ever be allowed to hurt his sister.


Felix sat on the garden bench, watching Jenna as she played on his phone, completely absorbed in whatever game she had found. The sound of her small giggles was the only thing breaking the stillness around them, but Felix’s mind was miles away. He couldn’t shake the unease that had settled in his chest. His thoughts drifted back to the room they had just left, to the conversation his parents were still having behind closed doors. His stepfather, Lomon, was always a man Felix kept at arm’s length—trusting him had never come naturally. So, seeing him involved with someone like Zhang, who radiated menace, felt like the culmination of every bad feeling Felix had ever harbored.

But what were they really talking about? What kind of deal could Lomon possibly be making with a man like Zhang?

The minutes ticked by slowly, each one pressing down on Felix like a weight. Then, the sound of footsteps pulled him from his thoughts. Lomon emerged from the house, his face unreadable as he walked toward Felix and Jenna. Felix tensed instinctively.

"Felix," Lomon said, his voice measured but carrying an edge Felix couldn’t ignore. "Mr. Zhang wants to talk to you."

Shock hit him like a punch. Me? Felix thought, his pulse quickening. What could Zhang possibly want with him? His mind raced, searching for answers, but none came. Whatever the man wanted, it couldn’t be good.

Jenna, still blissfully unaware, continued playing on his phone, not noticing the shift in the air. Felix reluctantly stood, casting a final glance at his sister. He didn’t want to leave her out here alone, but there was no avoiding this. Without a word, he followed Lomon back inside, each step feeling heavier than the last. The walls seemed to close in around him as they walked through the house, his heart pounding in his ears.

It felt like he was being led to the slaughter, every fiber of his being screaming that this was a trap.
"What the hell does this man want with me?" Felix thought, nerves twisting in his gut as they neared the room where Zhang waited.

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