Budgeted away

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Zhang grabbed Felix by the hair, yanking his head back with a forceful grip.
"What a rude brat you are," he hissed through gritted teeth, before slamming Felix's head brutally against the wall. The impact sent Felix crumpling to the floor, clutching his head, a sharp yelp of pain escaping his lips as he reeled from the blow. Zhang stood over him, watching coldly as Felix writhed in pain. As if the violence wasn't enough, he reached for the bowl of now cold food on the table. Without hesitation, he shoved Felix's face into it, grinding his head into the mushy contents. "I said eat it!" Zhang barked, his voice filled with fury. His grip on Felix's head was unrelenting as the boy's muffled sounds were muffled by the food.

"If you cannot eat, I'll make you," Zhang added with harsh disdain before finally releasing his hold. He took a step back and delivered a vicious kick to Felix's stomach, sending another wave of pain through the boy's body.
"Maria!" Zhang shouted, his rage turning on the woman who had tended to Felix earlier.
"Why the fuck didn't he finish his food?" His voice echoed with authority, reprimanding her without hesitation. Felix could barely make out her presence through his dazed state, but her figure was unmistakable.

It had been three days since Felix was taken, each one blurring into the next in a haze of confinement and despair. The same monotonous routine played out daily: locked in the small room, fed meager portions that felt more like scraps than meals. He hadn’t seen Zhang since the day he was struck, and the memory of that violent encounter loomed over him like a dark cloud. Felix knew he had to escape; the thought gnawed at him, intensifying with each passing hour.

“Felix, come with me,” Maria said as she entered the room, her tone leaving little room for protest. It felt more like a command than an invitation. He nodded, not wanting to provoke Zhang’s wrath by resisting. He felt a flicker of hope, though anxiety twisted in his stomach.

They descended the stairs together, his legs shaky from being cooped up for so long. Each step felt unsteady, a reminder of how vulnerable he was. Maria guided him to the back seat of a car, and as he climbed in, a wave of possibility washed over him. Where are we going? Home? Felix’s heart raced at the thought. They hadn’t ventured outside since his abduction; perhaps this was the chance he had been waiting for.

The drive seemed to stretch on endlessly, each minute filled with the thrill of anticipation and dread. When they finally arrived, Felix’s heart sank as he realized they were not back at his house. The building before him was unfamiliar, casting doubt over his momentary hope. Where could this place be?

Maria stepped out, and he followed, confusion swirling in his mind. Before he could fully grasp the situation, Zhang appeared, his presence sending a chill down Felix’s spine. He seized Felix’s arm roughly, the grip like iron, and pulled him inside.

“Sit,” Zhang commanded, his voice leaving no room for disobedience. Felix stumbled slightly before complying, the weight of dread settling heavily in his chest once again. The familiar feeling of being trapped enveloped him, but he knew he had to remain alert and ready. This was far from over.

Felix felt painfully small in the vast, unfamiliar space. He perched on a leather stool that seemed to swallow him whole, surrounded by an expanse that felt both intimidating and isolating. To his right, Maria sat facing him, her expression unreadable as if she were guarding some secret he couldn’t access. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and Felix felt like a defendant standing before a jury, waiting to be judged by unseen eyes.

Zhang’s cold gaze bore into him from across the room, and Felix swallowed hard, the lump in his throat a constant reminder of his vulnerability.

Just then, the heavy thud of footsteps echoed down the staircase. A large woman in a robe ambled down, her messy bun swaying as she moved. Her footsteps were so forceful that Felix half-expected the concrete beneath her to crack.

“So... you just saw fit to visit me at this time. Don’t you know I want my beauty sleep?” she yawned, her double chin wobbling. Her bleary eyes darted around the room, finally landing on Felix. “Oh my,” she whispered, her surprise dripping with amusement.

“Zhang, Zhang, Zhang,” she cooed, a smile spreading across her face as she approached. “You just know what type of breed I prefer.”

Felix’s breath quickened as she drew closer, her presence overwhelming. She reached out and grasped his chin, tilting his head up to examine him more closely. The scrutiny was suffocating, and the warmth of her hand felt like a brand against his skin. He wanted to pull away, to escape the weight of her gaze, but he felt rooted to the spot, unable to move. The attention he was receiving was up anything but comforting; it felt like he was being inspected for something sinister, and dread settled in his stomach like a stone.

Without a moment's hesitation, the lady clapped her hands together, her smile widening.
“Fine, fine, you like complaining a lot. Deal!” she announced, her tone dismissive.“Now get out of my house.”

Zhang and Maria rose from their seats, the two of them walking away like triumphant fraudsters who had just sold Felix’s existence without a second thought. The gravity of what had just happened began to sink in, but before he could process it fully, a man strode into the room, his muscular chest straining against a sheer, tight-fitting vest that left little to the imagination.

“Take him to the others,” the woman commanded, her voice deep and authoritative.
“Let them teach him a thing or two.”

“No… no, wait!” Felix exclaimed, panic surging as he tried to stand up and voice his disagreement.
“I don’t understand… I—”

“It’s okay, cutie pie,” the woman said, her tone almost mocking.
“This is all new; you shall get used to it.”

Before Felix could react further, the buff man moved swiftly, seizing him firmly to prevent any retaliation. As he covered Felix's nose with a cloth, darkness crept in at the edges of his vision, and the world around him began to blur. The last thing he felt was the rush of fear as he was pulled into a reverie, his mind spiraling as consciousness slipped away.

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