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Lilay's heart shattered as she heard the tale of Felix's first encounter with a customer and how bloody it got. Full of guilt, she blamed herself as she was the one who groomed the poor boy. Lilay was too scared to look at him, her guilt choking her. How could she have done this to him, led him into such danger? It was her fault he had to face this horror.

"Oh Felix..." she whispered, her voice trembling as she turned to the room where Felix was assigned. Praying that he was untouched, that he would remain safe and unharmed.

" Not here..."
The pleasure room was left in shambles evidence of what had transpired there. She clutched on her chest her brain filled with horrible scenario out comes.

Please be safe Felix, she mumbles repeatedly , as if reciting a mantra while walking up the stairs to their shared room . And ...there he was, in their room curled up in the sheets. Tears fell from her eyes. "Oh dear!" she wailed, hugging him tightly. "Felix, are you okay?"...

Felix looked up at her through his bruised eyes, his face a mask of pain and fear. Lilay gasped as she took in the sight of his battered body.
"Oh God!" she cried, wiping away her tears.

"I'm so sorry, Felix," she sobbed.
"I am really sorry. If only I had done something, if only I had taken your place ..."
The words choked her as fresh tears flowed.

"It's okay, Lilay," Felix said softly, his own tears mingling with hers.
"I'm... I'm okay now."

Lilay listened in stunned silence as Felix recounted his encounter with the kind man who promised to take him back home. A glimmer of hope flickered in her chest, but it quickly dimmed as Felix revealed his plan to leave.

"What do you mean, you are leaving here?" Lilay asked, her voice laced with confusion and concern.

"I'll explain later," Felix replied gently. "Lilay...! A kind man promised to take me home. I'm finally free, Lilay."

Lilay stared at him, unsure what to say or feel. Was this really happening? But..."

"A kind man?" She raised an eyebrow skeptically.
"What exactly did you have to do?"

"Nothing Lilay... imagine!.  I didn't do anything to be granted his favour."
" Lilay...I'll come back for you, i promise" he said a weak hopeful smile plastered on his face.

The room door swung open, and an elder woman entered. Naday, the second in command after madam Leya, dressed in a red lustrous bikini suit , her presence exuding an air of authority. Her eyes locked with Felix's, already knowing his name.

"Felix," she called out, her voice firm and commanding.

Lilay and Felix turned to face her, Lilay's heart racing at the realization. The girl gestured towards the door.

"Come with me."

Felix nodded, his eyes never leaving Lilay's as he stood up.
"Lilay," he whispered. "I think it's time."

Before Lilay could respond, before she could plead for him not to go, Felix had already slipped past the girl and shut the door behind him. The room fell silent, save for Lilay's unsteady breathing.

"What have you gotten yourself into, Felix?" she whispered to herself, her heart pounding against her chest .Lilay's mind raced with a million thoughts, each one more unsettling than the last. Felix had been taken by a man, a stranger who claimed to want to help him.

But why? Why would anyone do that?.
Just why would a man , a total stranger want to help Felix out. That doesn't sit right with me.

Beacuse she knew ,If a client from Havana took you home with them that could only mean that you are none other than their escort for the night. If  they bought all of your self, then you shall be their eternal escort. A muse for his pleasure. For all eternity ,until they feel too tired and dispose you off. Some escort's continue on with their life...only when they still have life in them .

If you end up to be a muse, that means the person bought your body so you are practically his or her slave. And Felix... Felix must have fell for it.
You only leave Havana either dead, disabled, or as someone's property.

What did you get yourself into felix
She pushed aside her doubts about the man's intentions and focused on the more pressing matter at hand. If Felix was leaving, it meant he was likely being taken to become someone's property.

The thought of Felix, of any person, being reduced to a mere object for someone else's pleasure was unbearable. Her breath caught in her throat as she contemplated the harsh reality of their world.

Somehow, against all odds, they had managed to survive this long. But now, Felix had fallen into even greater danger.

You only leave Havana either dead, disabled, or as someone's property.

Lilay knew this all too well, having seen it happen to countless others before. The fear of losing Felix was almost overwhelming.

In the silence of the room, Lilay couldn't help but wonder what had possessed Felix to trust this mysterious man. Had he not learned anything from his own experience?

She tried to push back the doubts and fear, focusing instead on trying to help him out of this mess. Hoping that somehow, someway, Felix would be okay.

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