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Felix awoke to the sound of his door slowly opening. He froze, watching as it slowly creaked open and Master Yoan stepped into the room. Felix's heart raced as Yoan approached him. He had been so careful about showing respect to his "savior," but now he felt a sense of unease washing over him.

"How was your day?" Yoan asked, his piercing gaze never leaving Felix's face.

"It was good...Master Yoan," Felix replied, careful not to cross any boundaries.

Yoan's eyes roamed over Felix's body, taking in every detail. "Good," he said in a low, husky tone. "God, you're so pretty today."

Felix felt his cheeks flush at the unexpected compliment, but he quickly pushed down the feeling. He didn't want to give Yoan an opportunity to take advantage of him.

As if sensing an opportunity, Yoan leaned in closer, his lips mere inches from Felix's.
"Yoan," Felix managed to say, his voice trembling slightly.

But before he could react, Yoan's lips crashed against his own in a searing kiss. At first, it was gentle - almost tender - but Felix knew better than to be fooled. The kiss quickly turned heated and aggressive, full of lust and desire.

Felix felt numbness spread through his body as the familiar smell of Havana filled his nostrils. It was intoxicants - drugs that they snorted through their nose back in Havana. Despite his limited knowledge, he knew the scent all too well.

The kiss intensified, becoming rough and almost violent as Yoan's hands roamed over Felix's body hungrily. Tears welled up in Felix's eyes as he realized what was happening again - something he thought he'd never have to endure ever again.

In what felt like seconds, they were both naked on the bed, with Yoan's mouth devouring Felix's neck.

Felix whimpered as he felt Yoan's hands roam his body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. "Master please," he begged, but the words fell on deaf ears.

"What is it that you want, my pretty little doll?" Yoan asked, his voice low and mocking. He chuckled against Felix's skin, his breath hot and humid.

Felix shook his head weakly, trying to protest, but the words caught in his throat. He knew his body was betraying him, reacting to Yoan's touch despite his protests. This pussy-whipped ascetic argued inside him.

But the more pleasure-filled touches were almost like torture for him. He was new to this world, unversed in such things, and the limits Yoan was pushing him to were far beyond what he could bear.

"Please... no more," Felix choked out between gasps and sobs. He tried to push Yoan away, to make him stop, but it was useless. Yoan's grip was too strong, holding him firmly in place.

"I'm almost done," Yoan promised, but Felix knew better than to believe those words. He'd heard them before, only to be left wanting more.

Felix's body trembled violently as he reached his climax, screaming out in ecstasy. His eyes rolled back, overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations coursing through him.

"Master!" he wailed, his voice hoarse from the sheer force of his release. His body spasmed and jerked with each wave of pleasure that crashed over him.

He had no idea how long it had been going on for. Time seemed to blur and fade away until all that mattered was the momentary bliss coursing through his veins.

Yoan's name was all that left Felix's lips - a single word repeated over and over until he lost himself completely in the throes of orgasmic bliss.

Taking a daek turn, pleasure after pleasure turned into pure torture.Felix's protests grew weaker and weaker, until they became mere whimpers of pain and desperation. His body felt like it was on fire, overwhelmed by sensations he couldn't process or control.

As the intensity reached its peak, Felix blacked out from the sheer force of it all.


Felix woke up with a gasp, sheer terror flooding his veins as the events of last night came crashing down on him. His heart pounded against his ribcage, each beat echoing the guilt that gnawed at his core. Tears welled up in his eyes, and before he could even stop himself, they fell, hot and bitter, down his cheeks. Why did I let that happen? he thought, his body trembling as sobs wracked his chest.

He buried his face in his hands, unable to escape the shame that was crushing him from within. He hadn’t even tried to protect himself—he didn’t fight back, didn’t resist. His body’s survival instincts had numbed out, leaving him helpless in the wake of Yoan’s overwhelming presence. How could I be so stupid? The thought tore at him, twisting the knife of self-hatred even deeper. He felt so weak, so lost. The very essence of who he was had begun to slip through his fingers, replaced by something hollow, something sinful.

Felix turned his head to the side, expecting to see Yoan, but the space next to him was cold, empty. Yoan had already left, leaving Felix alone, tangled in sheets stained with the evidence of last night. The smell, the sight—it all mocked him, as if the room itself was reminding him of the price he was paying. He clenched his fists, a fire burning in his chest.

No, he thought, the tears still falling, but his resolve hardening. He wasn’t going to let himself be kept here, trapped in this nightmare, in this life that was slowly eating away at him. He couldn’t turn into what Yoan wanted him to be—a sickening, sinful escort. He wasn’t born for this. He wasn’t going to let this be his fate.

“I have to go home,” Felix whispered to himself, his voice raw but determined. I have to get out. He wasn’t going to lose himself, not completely—not yet.

Felix paced back and forth, his mind racing with conflicted thoughts. "No... This will all stop if I go back home," he muttered to himself, clutching his head. "I have to go back home. I cannot be like this..."

That night, when Yoan came back from whatever business had occupied his time, Felix sat anxiously at the dinner table, lavishly dressed as always. His outfit was perfect—too perfect, concealing the true intent of his beauty behind layers of elegance that draped his skin hiding the sinful hickies. The diamond collar like necklace around his neck shimmered in the chandelier’s soft glow, a gift from Yoan, meant to adorn, to possess.

Felix’s hands trembled slightly as he clasped them together on the table. He could feel Yoan's gaze on him, lingering like always, predatory yet tender... in its own twisted way.

"Master Yoan..." Felix began, his voice shaky, unsure if he was ready for what he was about to say. His heart pounded in his chest as Yoan’s full attention locked onto him, eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"What is it... what's troubling you, my Doll?" Yoan’s voice was velvet, coaxing and smooth, but beneath it Felix could hear the dangerous edge of control.

Felix swallowed hard, his eyes darting down to the pristine tablecloth, unable to meet Yoan’s piercing gaze. "When am I going home?" he asked, the words tumbling out in a whisper, cutting through the silence that followed.

For a moment, the room was deathly still. Yoan’s expression faltered, just for an instant, before he recovered, clearing his throat in a way that barely masked his discomfort with the question.

"Don't you like it here too?" Yoan asked, his tone deceptively light, though Felix could feel the intensity behind the question. Yoan’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, scrutinizing him, trying to gauge his intent.
"I give you everything you could ever want, Doll. Why would you want to leave?"

Felix didn't answer right away, the weight of Yoan’s stare pressing down on him. He knew what lay behind Yoan’s words—danger, possessiveness, and the silent threat of what would happen if he dared to speak too freely. But it was too late now.

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