{The Deep Forest}

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The moon hung high, sharp shadows across the abandoned warehouse. The nearby woods rustled with whispered secrets, but within the hollowed space of the warehouse, the only sound was the distant echo of dripping water. Dark corners loomed, heavy with dust and the scent of decay, where flickering beams of moonlight struggled to penetrate the gloom.. Katsuki's heart raced, thumping against as he sprinted through the underbrush, branches clawing at his fur. The hunters were close—he could hear their shouts, the crack of twigs underfoot.
"Keep up! He's just ahead!" one of them yelled, his voice sharp and cutting through the night.
Katsuki ducked low, panting. "Damn it!" He couldn't let them catch him. Not like this.
Suddenly, a sharp whistle sliced through the air. His eyes wide as the sound reverberated against the trees. "What the hell?" he muttered, his ears perked up. A figure emerged from the shadows, pale against the inky darkness. "You're not alone" he spoke, a vampire with an icy demeanor and striking blue hair. "Run." He spoke calmly
"Who are you?" Katsuki growled, baring his teeth. "I don't need help from a bloodsucker."
"Trust me, you do." The vampire's voice was smooth, almost melodic, but Katsuki could sense the urgency beneath it. "They'll kill you."
"Yeah? And what's in it for you?" Katsuki snarled, glancing back. The hunters were getting closer. "Your life," the vampire replied, stepping forward. "And perhaps a bit of excitement."
Katsuki hesitated, the weight of the choice pressing down on him. The hunters were relentless, but he'd never trust a vampire.
"I'm not some pet in your game."
„Then keep running," Todoroki said, his eyes glinting in the moonlight. "I'll give you a head start." Before Katsuki could protest, Todoroki raised a hand and the air around them crackled. "Go!" Katsuki took off, adrenaline surging as he dashed deeper into the woods. He could hear Todoroki's voice, calm yet commanding, echoing behind him. "This way, hunters! He's over here!"
The sounds of pursuit shifted, the hunters now focused on the vampire. Katsuki's heart raced faster, fueled by fear and confusion. "Why the hell did I trust him?" he muttered, weaving through the trees. "Because you had no choice," Todoroki's voice echoed back, sounding amused.
"Shut up!" Katsuki snapped, glancing back. He could see the hunters closing in on Todoroki, anger turning their faces red. "You're crazy!" "Perhaps," Todoroki said, his tone playful despite the danger. "But I'm your best chance right now." With a burst of speed, Katsuki leaped over a fallen log, the thud of his landing sending shockwaves through the ground. Just as he thought he'd lost them, he caught a glimpse of the hunters—determined, relentless. But then, a sudden scream pierced the night. "What the—?"
Katsuki turned to see Todoroki, eyes glowing, a fierce aura surrounding him. "Now, Go!"
With a final glance, Katsuki obeyed, racing into the darkness, the sound of chaos behind him. He didn't know what lay ahead, but he had a chance to escape. And maybe, just maybe, he'd find out what kind of ally a vampire could be.
It wasn't long after before the vampire had captured him..he got caught in a cage.
„You Fucker!! Let me out" katsuki shouted.
His pale skin glimmered in the dim light, and his mismatched eyes glinted with mischief. "You should be more polite, Katsuki. It's not every day a vampire takes an interest in a werewolf." Katsuki snarled, his sharp teeth bared. "Interest? You mean you're just toying with me! Let me out of this cage!" Todoroki leaned casually against the wall, a smirk on his lips. "Why would I do that? You're far too entertaining in there."
„Entertaining?" Katsuki scoffed, his patience wearing thin. "I'm not some circus animal!"
Todoroki chuckled softly, a sound that echoed like a whisper of danger. "You're right. You're a fierce creature, but let's not pretend you're in a position to negotiate." He gestured to the iron bars, their cool surface a constant reminder of Katsuki's plight. Katsuki felt a surge of frustration. "You think this is funny? Keeping me locked up like some trophy? "Not a trophy," Todoroki replied, tilting his head.
"More like... an experiment."
„An experiment? You're insane!" Katsuki's voice trembled with anger, but deep down, uncertainty gnawed at him. What was this vampire planning?„Insane? Perhaps," Todoroki said, stepping closer to the cage. "But you must admit, it's fascinating to see how a werewolf reacts to confinement. Your fury, your strength—"
"Shut up!" Katsuki interrupted, slamming his hands against the bars. "You don't know anything about me! He shouted at him "Oh, but I do." Todoroki's voice was smooth, like silk. "I know you're strong, but you're also proud. That pride can be your downfall." Katsuki's heart raced, not just from anger but from the realization that Todoroki was right. He was trapped, and this vampire was pulling strings he didn't fully understand. "Why are you doing this?" Katsuki finally asked, his voice softer, edged with a mix of defiance and curiosity. Todoroki smiled, revealing sharp fangs. "Because I need you for something much larger than either of us. You'll see, Katsuki. You'll see."
Katsuki with the weight of the vampires words and the chilling realization that this nightmare was only beginning. His heart thudded in his chest, a rhythmic *thump-thump-thump* that matched the urgency of his thoughts. He clenched his fists, claws just beneath the surface, ready to unleash hell if necessary, he growled, his voice low,
like a dangerous rumble.
"*Grrr...*" The sound escaped him, a primal growl that reverberated off the cold concrete. He forced himself to take a deep breath, inhaling the musty air. The familiar scent of iron and mildew was suffocating, but it was better than the sharp, scent of blood that hung in the air.
"Todoroki" he hissed, his voice dripping with accusation. "What do you want?"
Katsuki obscured by a cascade of two-toned hair—white and crimson. Shoto Todoroki, the vampire with a reputation for being calm and collected, regarded Katsuki with a mixture of amusement and something darker. His mismatched eyes glinted in the dim light: one icy blue, the other a deep, smoldering red.
"*Tsk, tsk,*" Todoroki said, his voice smooth and almost mocking. "You should be grateful I saved you, yet you keep screaming at me."
"Saved me?" Katsuki scoffed, the sarcasm dripping from his words. "You've got to be kidding me! You've locked me up like some pet!"
"It's for your own good. You're a danger to yourself, Katsuki. You need to learn control."
Katsuki snarled, the sound raw and fierce. "I don't need you to tell me what I need! I'm not some pup you can train!" His eyes glowed momentarily, a flash of gold in the dark, revealing the beast lurking just beneath his skin.
Todoroki tilted his head, a bemused smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You think you can resist me? You're just a wild animal,
and animals need to be tamed."
"*Rrraaargh!*" Katsuki lunged forward, but chains rattled around his wrists, pulling him back with a jarring *clank.* His frustration bubbled over, and he was left panting, half-wild and equally furious. "You're insane if you think I'll bow to you!"
"Is that so?" Todoroki stepped closer, the confidence in his stride unwavering. "What makes you think you have a choice? You're trapped here, and I can make your
life miserable or...interesting."
The tension in the room thickened, a palpable current that crackled in the air. Katsuki's heart raced, fueled by a mix of anger and fear. "Interesting how?" he spat, unwilling to show weakness. Todoroki leaned against a nearby wall, crossing his arms. "I've heard you howl. I know about the nights you lose control, the chaos you leave behind. You have potential, Katsuki. But you need guidance. You can't keep fighting your nature." He spoke "*Hah!*" Katsuki laughed, bitter and defiant. "What do you know about my nature? You're just a cold-blooded vampire, playing your little games. You think you can tame me? You'll only end up with a bloody nose!"
"I'm counting on it," Todoroki replied, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "You're more than just a beast. You're a force of nature, and I want to harness that strength. Together, we could be unstoppable." He replied before..
"*Snarl!*" Katsuki felt the heat of rage flare in his chest. "I don't need you! I don't need anyone!"
"Yet here you are," Todoroki said softly, letting the silence stretch between them. "What will you do when the hunters come for you? They're already tracking your scent. You can't outrun them forever." Katsuki's breath hitched, the truth cutting through his body. He had felt their presence lurking nearby, the hunters who sought to eradicate beings like him. They wouldn't hesitate to kill him, and he knew it. But the thought of giving in to Todoroki made his skin crawl. "Why should I trust you?" Katsuki challenged, though his voice wavered slightly.
"Because I'm the only one who can keep you alive," Todoroki replied, stepping forward, the moonlight catching the sharp angles of his face.
"And because I find you fascinating."


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