5| Promise

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Saturday | October 8th, 2016 | Katerina

On Saturday morning, I woke up feeling like new. The past three days had been a blur for me. I could barely remember anything that happened. The last thing I remembered was Tuesday night, right after Eliana had left.


I had gone back to my room to get ready for bed. I was still trying to figure out where that strange voice had come from. Eliana hadn't heard it. I didn't want to dwell on it, so I decided to just go to sleep and worry about it tomorrow. What I didn't expect was to hear the voice again.

Don't trust her.

Okay, maybe I am going crazy.

You're not.

Hold on, you can read my thoughts? Who are you?

My name is Rekka. I'm your inner wolf. I have always been able to read your thoughts.

Okay...Rekka. What's your purpose? How come I can hear you now?

My purpose is to guide you. Up until now, you hadn't required any guidance. You were doing fine on your own.

And why do I need guidance now?

Because you're making a mistake. That human shouldn't be trusted.

I never said I trusted her.

But you're considering it.

So, what if I am? You haven't given me a reason not to.

She'll betray you. Just like them. She'll abandon you just like they did.

That one statement had been enough to plant a tiny seed of doubt in my mind. What if Rekka was right? What if Eliana was like them?

But she said she would show me that not everyone was out to hurt me, including herself. She didn't lie.

Slowly, I became more and more conflicted. I wanted to trust Eliana, but I didn't want to call Rekka a liar. If she was supposed to offer me guidance, shouldn't I follow it?

She will hurt you. Don't trust her.

{End Flashback}

I had laid in bed that night, tossing and turning as I fought with myself on what to do and who to believe. To make matters worse, I remembered seeing flashes of what had to have been broken memories. All I remembered was fire, smoke, and a voice telling me to run. The memories kept replaying until they suddenly stopped. After that, my mind went completely blank.

"Katerina? Are you alright?"

I blinked, realizing that I was sitting at the table eating breakfast. Mom had a concerned look on her face while Dad's face remained blank, but I could see the worry in his eyes.

"Yeah," I muttered. "I'm fine. Was just thinking about stuff."

They continued to stare at me for a few more minutes before returning their focus to their food. I would occasionally catch them glancing at me from the corner of my eye.

I quickly finished up my breakfast and washed my dirty dishes before going back up to my room to escape from my parents' worried glances. Since I was grounded, I couldn't go out and do anything. All my electronics had been confiscated. The only thing I could do was work on the make-up work from school. I would have to make up the math quiz I missed yesterday on Monday.

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