Chapter Three

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I shifted around in my bed wondering why my alarm hadn't gone off yet. As I patted around for it I noticed my bed was a lot more lumpy and stiff than I remembered.  Suddenly the events from yesterday came flooding back and my eyes shot open and I quickly sat up. "Hey mom, I know it's early but I have to leave" She looked at me sleepily "Be careful baby, I love you." "I love you too mom." I looked over at my step-dad and gave him a huge bear hug "Look after them" I said sternly. "Aye aye, Captain" he said before falling back asleep.

I walked over to my sisters bed and laid a letter down beside them hoping I'll be able to come back and read the letter to them myself. I kissed their foreheads and cradled Lilian to my chest before laying her in her crib and walking out. Just as I was about to pull out of the driveway my stepdad put his hand on the window and passed me a shotgun. "Never know when it might come in handy" He said gravely. I wiped the tears from my cheeks, and looked back at the house.

I pulled into the mall and went back to the store I had previously pillaged. I could tell the mob had tried to get it. Metal was dented and scratched, the glass was cracked but still held. They must have moved on to other stores because it look like a hurricane whipped through the place.

I broke of my many locks I put on the doors into the store. I loaded up the back of my trunk with guns, bows, and arrows. I set my favourites in the passenger side of the car. I need food too so, I grabbed vitamin water, pop, juice and who knows when I'll need good old energy drinks so I took ALL of them. I grabbed gum, pre made sandwiches and chocolate as well. Not going to be a war without comfort food.

I looked around and all the boxes food like instant noodles, kraft dinner, canned stews and cookies, deciding to pack all of those as well. Last but not least clothes. I had to plan this carefully I stepped over the body I had killed yesterday, these... THINGS! repulse me. I grabbed tons of hoodies, duct tape, leggings, boots and gloves. Just to top it all off I grabbed goggles and a face mask there is no way in hell I'm letting anything touch my skin, caution will keep me alive, I watched too many zombie movies and horror movies.

I decided to let off some steam around town. Before picking up Mikam, Leo and Jordan. I grabbed my bag and decided that my school would be the best place to start. I sent a text to Jordan letting him know I would be over soon. Looking for survivors and rising some infected scum from this town. I yanked up my hood and started up the car.

I pulled into the student parking lot and surveyed the parking lot and saw a bus. Not a school bus but more like an RV. Unfortunately it was not in the school lot but in the drive way of a house across the street. I walked over to it, it was in great condition, modern. it looked expensive and I wondered why the family had not taken it with them until I came across the bodies of a mother and her child. The middle sections looked to that been ripped apart. My heart an stomach sank, those poor souls. I pulled a bobby pin from my ponytail and the knife from my boot and went about picking the lock. At last I heard the internal click and the door swung open. Inside I saw supplies pack against the wall. Perfect, I thought to myself.

I walked back to the school and pushed the doors open. I looked back to the RV and hoped the locks would hold until I got back. Inside I saw teenagers running around with the emo group watching and barking out orders. Logan was standing on one of the vending machines admiring his handiwork, his "posse' all around him. I walked past and heard the thump of a loser trying to impress a girl "Logan. What do you want" I hissed. "You baby. You know I do." I pushed him arm off of me and headed to see who else decided to show up here. "Sasha! Where's Jamie! Wheres my Baby!" His slutty EX-girlfriend screeched. "He's dead." I replied with a sigh. I walked past her heaving body, I can't handle tears right now this is going to be an emotional roller coaster, she should know that.

Bits and pieces: a Zombie Apocalypse NovelWhere stories live. Discover now