So Starts Our Adventure

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I woke up ad the clock beside me read 7:36 am, this house has.. power? How did we not notice that? I thought all power plants would shut down with no one to supervise everything. I sat there pondering the thought then decided not to linger to long on it, we have other things to do. I yawned and moved to get up. I couldn't get up. I was moments from freaking out when I looked down and saw arms around me. Confused the memories of last night came back. I turned over and looked at Liam's sleeping face. Suddenly a wave of guilt washed over me. Not even a week into chaos and I was in bed with the first guy to try.

Had I ever had feelings for Liam? Well yes, what high school girl hasn't had a crush in a college guy? But Jamie had just died, he wasn't my boyfriend and he had no idea how I felt. But, moving on from someone so quick only made my heart hurt. It's only been three days since his death and he was still out walking around. Already the nightmares were leaving me restless. Maybe this is a good thing though, maybe this is what I need to get over Jamie's death, no, murder. The only problem is that life from now on is going to be hard and difficult. Anyone of us could die at anytime.

Plus, maybe he doesn't even like me. Maybe the only reason he's in bed with me is because his brother is sharing the only other bed with the only other girl and sleeping on the floor simply doesn't appeal to him. I mean, I've know him since I started high school in ninth grade. It's not like he was ever a player even though he was handsome and attractive. But, the next year he was off to college so we barely ever talked. Now that I'm in grade twelve.. or was he has graduated and was back home.

I felt Liam shift around and yawn. I pretended to be asleep and he pulled me closer before nuzzling his face into my neck. I held back a groan of approval. As I was settling back to sleep, being the most comfortable I've ever been, there was a soft knock on the door and Leo poked his head in. Liam got up and I opened my eyes just enough to see what was going on and who had interrupted my sleepy cuddles. When I looked over the boys seemed to be staring each other down. Leo's face was turning red so I assumed it was time for me to "wake up" before things got ugly. "Morning guys." I faked yawned "What's for breakfast?" That seemed to snap them out of whatever they were doing. "Power in this house is still on because they have solar panels on the roof. They seem to be completely off the grid. They Ben collect their own rain water. It's amazing that thy wanted to leave. I assume they still have eggs in the fridge that we can fry up." Liam said smiling at me. Did I miss something? Why is Liam grinning at me?

The guys walked down stairs and I got dressed back into my hoodie and boots. My body still felt weird from sleeping in leggings, a bra and a T-shirt. I went through the dresser to see if I could find any pjs. I grabbed a pair of red jammie pants and a grey baggy T-shirt that the woman must have left behind and brought it down stairs with me.

As I walked down stairs the familiar aroma of eggs, toast and bacon wafted through the house. When I reached the kitchen I saw that the window had been uncovered and everything had been packed up. everyone was standing in the kitchen takin in the scent of normality. The smell represented the normal life we must now leave behind. "Smells good!" I say walking up to our cook. "Well," Liam says sadly "there's not a whole lot but it should get out day started. Mikam was searching around for anything we could use and found some sleeping bags and tents. Although I don't fancy sleeping outside the RV only has 4 beds.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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