Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Alexandria Jessica Willsie

The rest of the day went along normally. Teachers were handing out study material for our year end final and kids were ignoring it. Every now and then you would hear a rumor about the latest kid who got pulled from school. It would range from them being admitted to a hospital in another town or ________ [Capital city] to just their parents wanting to keep them home as to not catch 'Shivering Rabies' or SLV which I thought was rather odd there weren't many cases of it in North America let alone in our small town. I tended to tune the other kids out as I was thinking about my parents and what they might have planned for us when we visit this summer. I'm hoping that the dock got fixed and we would be able to swim and fish all summer. I know Blake and Amanda don't enjoy it but for me it's a great time to relax, maybe I'll drag Jamie up. I was lost in thought when the bell rang out and jolted me from my day dream.

Jamie waited outside of my art class with his girlfriend hanging all over him. He kept her at bay with an arm around the waist. I looked at his face through the window on the door with disgust. I do not and will not understand girls who push themselves onto and drape themselves over men like they would die without them, like air or water. I'm into guys, really I am, just not as bad it seems as the girls in my school and Jamie seemed to be the biggest prize even though the other guys seemed to stay away.

I flipped shut my sketchbook and shoved it into my backpack. I started for the door and was met only by "Push in your chair." from the teacher behind her desk. Her eyes never left her laptop screen and she didn't care when we left as long as our projects were in before they were due.

I pushed open the doors and headed down the hallway. I knew Jamie would follow, he always did. As if on cue I heard the whiny voice of his girlfriend and the sound of hurried footsteps behind me. "Ready to go?" Jamie asked barely audible over the bell that rang through the hallway. "Shopping trip!" I yelled running out the door and to his car.

We pulled into our town "Mall" which was just a collection of a few stalls and local stores. But still there was some nice clothes and art supplies that I needed.


I swung the baseball bat over my shoulder and wiped the sweat from my brow. I looked down at the pale, bleeding body of my best friend and the man that had just ripped a gaping hole in his neck and arm.

The last time I had even heard of someone cannibalizing another human being was when m people were doing bath salts and that guy was put down by the police in no time flat. But this.. This was something else because these people didn't look cracked out and high. They looked normal in store uniforms and in a small town like this drug addicts were known by all. We were taught as kids who to avoid, not like Mike Sanders here who was the son of the Candy shop owner. He would never do a bad thing in his life, his mom would hang him.

But I mean people just don't go running at people biting into their necks, right? I slid down the side of Jamie's car and landed on the pavement beside his lifeless body. The tears were still fresh on my cheeks when I heard him groan. "Oh thank god! Your still alive." I clutched the front of he T-shirt "Let's get you to a hospital you. lost a lot of blood." I went to lift Jamie up by his shoulders but he didn't seem to want to move. "Come on now. We've got to-" I cut short because he was now standing up on his own, now that I took a better look at his face. Jamie was white faced and blue lipped and his wound had stopped bleeding. "J-jamie?" the only reply I got was Jamie grabbing my arm and making a lunge for the skin. I slapped him across the face but it did not deter him and he only lunged again. Tears soaking my face I grabbed the knife from my boot and sank it into his arm. "No! Get away from me!" Even that did not stop him from clawing his way towards me so I grabbed the bat from the ground beside the car and swung for Jamie's head. The hit landed on the side of his head indenting the features of his face and spraying blood all over my clothes. His body slumped to the ground and when he finally stopped twitching I lowered and dropped the bat. 

Bits and pieces: a Zombie Apocalypse NovelWhere stories live. Discover now