I'll Show Him Who's The Man - Wait, What?

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A/N Ohh my first authors note. This song is mentioned in the chapter so check it out. Be warned, The Vampire Diaries is mentioned (In a very small section!) of this chapter. If you haven't seen the TV series, read the books, or you just plain old hate it, (Gasp!) bare with and your momentary confusion/torture will be over before you know it.

P.S - The Vampire Diaries may  come up again in future updates. But please don't let that put you off reading my story. I'll promise to make it quick and painless, solemnly swear.

P.P.S - Enjoy! x Charlee

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The promise of a new day did nothing to give me comfort after last night's disaster. I awoke in the morning to the blistering sun shining through my windows. Dangit, I forgot to close the curtains last night. I lazily kicked off my covers and with eyes still shut, made my way towards the offensive light and blocked it out with my turquoise curtains. My room was of good size, with a double bed opposite windows facing the street. Turquoise was the theme here. A white desk sat to the right of the windows, a large set of drawers lent against the left wall furthest from the door, with matching white bedside tables placed either side of my double bed. Canvases and photos of family and friends covered the walls. My room was slightly messy; some clothes strewn about the floor carelessly and books and other little knickknacks littered the top of my desk. My parents were always going on about me having a tidy room. I don't know why they bother, surely no teenager except the odd few have completely tidy rooms, free of even a speck of dust. I was glad they don't venture into my walk-in wardrobe. That was a completely different story. But, what they don't know...

Shivering from the cool draught now entering my room, I quickly dived back into the warm cocoon of covers on my bed. Well. I guess I wont be getting up any time soon. I decided. My emotions were still all over the place after last night and I couldn't bare to face anyone just yet. The thing with Sadie I knew I would get over, it's not like I haven't heard it all before. But with the addition of what Ryder said, well... it makes what Sadie said all the more possible. Did people really see me like that? Was I some unremarkable, innocent looking girl who is no guys type? Who isn't Ryder's type?

Ryder. What an asshat. He was doing great until he opened his mouth. A part of me was still angry at him, but in the end I was more depressed than anything. My insecurities were kicking in big time, making the already low opinions I had of myself sink even lower. When I get in these moods it's a struggle to get back out of them, and it was typically with the help of my friends and a lot  of ice cream that I eventually crawled out of my sorry pit. I knew I would have to call them soon. No doubt Stefan told them of my early departure last night, and his suspicions on why I was suddenly not in the mood to party anymore. Then Dani would have enlightened them all on my altercation with her brother. Yeah, I have a lot of explaining to do. But not right now. Right now, I just want to go get some breakfast, stay in my pyjamas all day and watch movies. Reaching over to my bedside table, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 8:02 AM. Great. It's not enough that I cried myself to sleep last night, but I had to wake up early on a Saturday too.

About an hour or so later, when I was thoroughly getting into another episode of The Vampire Diaries (So I have a thing for Damon Salvatore, sue me) my phone screamed out Beyoncé's song Diva, obviously the Glee version. Well, if you knew Ash, it would be obvious. Ashley adores Glee, and after watching that particular episode she just insisted that we all change her ringtone to that song. I don't see her obsession with the bloody programme, but the song I understood. We both, however, held the same obsession for The Vampire Diaries. Fletcher and Isaac got a real kick out of the fact that Stefan has the same name as one of the Salvatore brothers in the series. They both teased poor Stefan (best friend Stefan) about it for weeks. He was so glad to hear neither me nor Ashley had a thing for vampire Stefan. Unlike my affection for Damon Salvatore, Ash much preferred Matt. That was fine with me: I don't like to share.

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