Chapter 9

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"End of time! 26 candidates passed the test, including 2 who died", we get up, the rest of the time passed quickly and the entertainment wasn't bad, although I think the other contestants might not have liked it, oh well never mind, if they are scandalised just by a few kisses, I'm not surprised that their love life is so empty.

I caught up with Kurapika, Leorio, Gon and Killua. "So guys how did it go?" I ask smiling, "Pretty good, all thanks to Gon" says the brunette. "Oh by the way" Killua raises his wrist where there is now a small tattoo in the shape of a leaf with a lightning bolt in the centre.

I look at Gon who has raised his wrist too, "you are soulmates, how beautiful!!" I'm happy, I hug them then we head towards the exit continuing to chat.

Once outside I feel an arm around my waist, Hisoka is dragging me towards him, we are in front of a guy with a strange haircut, he is short. I tilt my head to the side, "congratulations everyone for making it out of the tower , you still have 2 tests ahead of you, the fourth and the final one, the fourth will take place on the island of Zebir".

The rest of the speech explains that it will be a kind of hunt, we will have to recover 6 points in total, our badge is worth 3, that of our target as well, and all the others only 1. I could hunt 3 people at random, to make it more interesting , but at the same time it depends on whether I remember who my target is, which is highly improbable.

I've already hidden my badge even though I probably don't need to. I wait for my turn to take the card, I do it and go back to my place, with the white card in my hands.

Once everyone has taken the card, we remove the sticker, on mine I find 80 written, who knows who it is? I look at Hisoka's, but he also has a number that I don't recognize. "Do you know who he is?" I ask, showing him the card, he shakes his head.

I snort, "never mind", I'll just have to work a little harder. They take us on a boat, where I decide to choose my targets. I observe the competitors and evaluate them, I find three that might be good.

Once we arrive we get off the boat in the order in which we completed the fourth test, I wave at Hisoka as he gets off and he smiles at me, then I watch as Gitarrarkur gets off too, and then Hanzo. Then it's my turn, I get off the boat, and once beyond the tree line, I climb, jump from one branch to another, finding a groove large enough to sleep in. I decide to rest a bit.

When I wake up, exactly 5 hours had passed. My hunt can begin, the first one I find is a woman, she has a sniper and she is aiming at Ghitarrarkur. I land on her back and break her neck, then I take the badge, number 80, how lucky!

I smile, then known the gaze of my studded friend, I greet him and reach him, but as I approach he begins to remove the studs from his face which becomes deformed, until it changes completely, leaving the one and only Illumi Zoldyck in front of me.

"Illu?" I should have known, that's why it seemed familiar, "hi Kumiko, could you avoid telling Kill?", he says in his usual monotone voice, "how much are you paying me?" I ask with a smile, he looks at me with a slight twitch of an eyebrow, the only symptom of his irritation, "ok, sorry, I was joking" I say, raising my hands in a sign of surrender.

He tilts his head to the side, "you have something on your face", I touch my face searching, "where?" He tries to explain it to me, but after almost 1 minute of trying, I run out of patience.

"You take it off Illu", he sighs then passes a finger over my left eyebrow, before retracting his hand and I'm almost sure I've touched that point before, but this awareness fades away as I look at my wrist, driven by a burning pain.

There, where should be only the smooth skin of my wrist, there's a little black spiral, oh? Truly, the silent and austere Illumi Zoldyck is my second soul mate. I look up at him, he has an imperceptible blush on his cheeks and one corner of his mouth slightly contracted upwards. On my face now there is a smile. It is the first time I have seen Illu so expressive.

I raise my hand slowly and caress his cheek, he lets me do it, "so... what do you want to do?" I ask, he continues to look at me with those big black eyes of his. "I think I read that when two people are soulmates it is common to kiss and show physical affection".

I smile at him, "do you want to try?" he nods seriously, leans forward slightly and I meet him halfway, it's a very light kiss, but it warms my heart, we break away almost immediately, and he has a thoughtful face, "mmh... how was it?" I ask with a smile.

"I think we'll have to limit these things if we're on a mission, because it's distracting," translation he liked it and he wants to do it again, but he's on a mission and needs to stay focused so he doesn't want to do it again.

I smile, "ok", he looks away for a few seconds to look around, "we should look for a place to sleep, you already have all your points, don't you?" I smile and nod, when I was younger and went on a mission with Illu, we discovered that sleeping underground like moles is comfortable and safe, if we then use a bit of Nen to regulate temperature and oxygen it is more comfortable than a bed. We start moving looking for a comfortable place, he has put his nails back on.

We arrive in a small clearing where there is only a tree and under the tree Hisoka, "Hiso! Guess what?" I say coming closer, he turns and raises a questioning eyebrow. "Illu is my second soulmate!" With that I sit on his lap, he wraps an arm around my waist, "oh, really∼", the Magician now has a smirk on his lips.

Illumi takes off his nails, then nods stiffly, "do you have your tags yet?" I ask the clown, "no, not yet, you?" I smile at him, "by chance the first person I found was my target", the magician smiles at me.

"I already have the 6 points I need ", replies Illumi. "Kumiko and I will sleep for the rest of the week" Illu continues, starting to dig two holes. I get up from Hisoka's lap, "good luck clown", I smile mischievously, as I go towards my hole, then jump over it inside and close it, in 30 seconds I'm sleeping like a baby. 


Second soulmate found!

Thank you as always for reading.

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