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Extra short today but I am trying to post some so you guys have a thing to read until I get another chapter out. I am going to be doing a time skip as I'm not really sure on what to do for the next bit so sorry.

I opened the door and went over to where Kyra's sisters were standing. I could see that their eyes were glistening with tears, so I went over to them, hoping that I could help. I held mia as she broke down in my arms at the sight of her sister. Rubbing her head, I knew what she was going though and that it would take a lot of strength to be ok after this. I slowly rocked her back and forth calming her down.

'Mia come here hon.' Jess said, her eyes also glistening with tears. I let go of Mia who walked over to her mum. Jai pulled me into a hug as I walked over to where Kyra lay. I lent into jai, stopping myself from crying. As he let go, I gently moved my hand to Kyra's and sat down on the chair next to her. I could hear her gentle breaths, nothing more than that though. I kissed her forehead. I looked over at Kyra, taking in her peaceful face, blissfully unaware of what had happened. As I moved my eyes away, I noticed her eyes flicker. I looked back puzzled at what I had just seen. I looked back to see her eyes opening.

'K..y?' I said confused

'E..l?' She whispered still looking straight ahead

Everyone in the room turned their attention to me and Kyra.

'Baby?' I said as gestured to jai to get the nurses. 

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