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It was time for Maggie's favorite season...Summer. Maggie loved the brightness of the sun, being able to wear the shorts that have been hidden for the past few seasons, and finally she could see her boyfriend anytime she wanted.

Steve Harrington officially asked Magnolia Hopper to be his girlfriend after their third date, Maggie remembered the day all too well.

The two teens were at his house, sitting by the pool as they lightly splashed water at each other. But when silence fell upon them, he had asked her that simple question, and of course Maggie hadn't hesitated to say yes.

At that moment, Maggie was walking into the mall with a wide grin on her face. She walked into the familiar ice cream parlor and saw the familiar sight of Robin standing up front.

"Robin." Maggie sing-songed which made Robin look up. "Finally, he's been moping around cause you weren't here." Robin says as she walked around the counter, hugging her friend close.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with him." Maggie says in fake pity as they separated, Steve slamming open the back door which made both girls turn over to him.

"Mags, baby. Thank God you're here." Steve says as he walked over to Maggie, pressing a quick kiss against her lips.

"Someone's happy to see me." Maggie says as she bid Robin a goodbye while they walked towards the back room.

"I missed you." Steve says sincerely as he hugged Maggie close, laying his chin atop her head. "I missed you more." Maggie says with a cheeky grin.

"Um no. Impossible." Steve says as Maggie giggled. "Very possible." Maggie says as she rocked them side to side.

Just then the sound of the bell on the front desk ringing repeatedly echoed in the small parlor. "Hey, dingus, your children are here." Robin shouts, Maggie's eyes brightening as she shoved her boyfriend towards the window.

Steve chuckled a bit as he slammed open the glass window. "Again? Seriously?" Steve questioned incredulously, Mike simply ringing the bell once more.

The older teen boy ushered the kids into the backroom, all of them cheering at the sight of Maggie. 

"My kids!" Maggie exclaimed with a grin as she held her arms out, all of them rushing over to hug her close.

"How've you guys been?" Maggie questioned as all of the kids started talking at the same time in excitement.

Steve watched in slight awe as Maggie happily talked back to the kids, a happy grin on her face as they continued to speak.

"Hey, do you guys want to go to the movie or not?" Steve questioned, the group of kids turning to him.

"Come on, come on." Steve ushered as he led them out the backdoor, down the hallways. "I swear, if anybody hears about this..." Steve trailed off.

"We're dead!" All of the kids shout back, Maggie chuckling as Steve walked back over. "You're such a mom." Maggie says which made Steve raise a brow.

"I'm the mom?" He questioned. "I thought we discussed this last year." Maggie says which made Steve chuckle.

"You staying tonight?" Steve questioned. "I gotta be back by 10, I'm going job searching tomorrow." Maggie says which a light cheer.

"I hear the GAP is hiring." Steve says which made Maggie grin. "Perfect, I can see you on my breaks." Maggie says which made Steve raise a brow.

"You do that anyway." Steve says as Maggie shrugged. "Yeah, you're right." Maggie says as she stands up, walking back towards the front.

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