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Maggie was sat in the hospital's waiting room, Lucas asleep on her left shoulder and Dustin asleep on her right.

The girl's head was tilted backwards as she stared up at the ceiling. Everything that went down still was embedded in her mind, the weight of the demogorgon on her chest still lingered and sometimes it made it hard to breathe.

As she girl sat her head back up, she was met with the questioning look of Hopper, the chief having a brow raised at her.

'I'm fine.' Maggie mouthed over, but he wasn't buying it. Maggie then watched as Jonathan walked into the waiting area, Maggie's face lighting up at bit.

"Guys." Jonathan says which made Mile perk up, grabbing Dustin who shoved away which resulted in Maggie shoving into Lucas who woke up with a groan.

"Guys, come on." Mike says as Lucas, Dustin, and Maggie followed after him. The older girl watched with teary eyes as her boys reunited.

"Byers!" Mike exclaimed as he hugged his best friend, Lucas joining in until Dustin grabbed their shoulders and shoved them away, hugging Will.

"Be careful. Be careful with him." Joyce says, her worry still evident as she looked to her youngest son.

"Guys, guys. Go easy on him." Jonathan says as he laughs at the boys happiness. 

"You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man." Lucas says as they started to tell the boy everything that happened while he was gone.

But her worry heightened when Will started coughing. "You okay?" Maggie questioned, Will finally seeing the older girl.

"Maggie." Will says as the girl stands by his bed grasping the boy's hand lightly. "It got me. The Demogorgon." Will says softly as he looked at the four of them.

"We know. It's okay. It's dead. We made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us. But she's gone now." Mike says, sadness lacing his words.

Maggie used her other hand and placed it on his shoulder, smiling sadly at him. "Her name's Eleven." Dustin says, trying to change the subject. "Like the number?" Will questioned.

"Well, we call her "El" for short." Lucas says, Maggie smiling fondly at the short-lived memories of the girl.

"She's basically a wizard." Dustin says excitedly. "She has superpowers." Lucas whispers, Maggie chuckling at the awestruck expression on Will's face.

"More like a Yoda." Mike says as they continued to tell the story of what happened the night El left, Maggie standing by the door.

Her boys were back together, everything was okay, so why didn't it feel like it was?

It was late when Maggie went home, her eyes were heavy with the emotions from the day she had.

She had showered, changing into her pajamas, then finally going to bed. The weight of the day as expected followed her into her dreams.

A month had passed, it was Christmas Eve and the girl spent her night with her boys down in the Wheeler's basement playing yet another campaign.

"Something is coming. Something angry. Hungry for your blood. It is almost here." Maggie says as she looked between the boys, a small smirk on her face.

"What is it?" Will questioned in curiosity. "It's the thessalhydra, I'm telling you." Dustin says as he looked at the group.

"It's not the thessalhydra." Lucas denies. "It might be the thessalhydra." Mike says as Dustin pointed at him. 

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