Chapter 12: Unravelling Tensions

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Three months had passed since Isabella began working at Global Innovations, and during that time, she had firmly established herself as one of their best employees. Her efficiency and knack for problem-solving had earned her a stellar reputation, though it came at a price. Emily's disdain for her grew stronger with each passing day, and Amaro Santero's piercing eyes followed her whenever she was within his view. Yet, Isabella had made her peace with keeping a safe distance from her boss and his personal assistant, Emily. Despite this, the strange tension was hard to ignore.

Her life in New York, however, was something she treasured. She often spoke to her mother and Marco, and though the distance was hard, she loved her new city life. Sarah, her close friend from Café Amore, had become a constant source of laughter and support. And then, there was Alex. She found herself growing fonder of him each day, and although he seemed to be more distant lately—often too busy to spend time with her—she convinced herself that she was simply overthinking it. After all, they both had demanding jobs.

One evening, after a long day at work, Isabella packed up her things, ready to head home. Her day had been the usual whirlwind of tasks, meetings, and deadlines. But as soon as she shut her laptop and gathered her things, she couldn't shake the feeling of exhaustion that came from being constantly on edge, especially with Emily's hateful glares and Amaro's unsettling presence.

She quickly headed to the elevator, relieved to be leaving the office. Just as the doors were closing, she saw him—Amaro Santero, also finishing his day. Panic shot through her as she pressed the ground floor button furiously, hoping to avoid him. But it was too late. He slipped inside the elevator at the last second, the tension between them immediately palpable.

An awkward silence filled the space as the elevator began its descent. Isabella's heart pounded in her chest, and she kept her gaze fixed on the floor. Just when she thought she could make it through the ride without incident, Amaro broke the silence.

"You're a good employee, Isabella," his voice was smooth, but there was a dark edge to it. "But I won't hesitate to fire you if you're screwing Alex."

Isabella's eyes shot up, stunned by his words. She barely had time to register his accusation before he moved closer, his towering frame pinning her against the cold wall of the elevator.

"The company's code of conduct is clear," Amaro continued, his voice low and threatening. "No dating between employees. It's a distraction."

She heard the words, but they felt distant, like background noise. All she could focus on was the closeness of him—how good he smelled, the sharpness of his jawline, the intensity of his green eyes. He was undeniably attractive, and for a moment, her mind betrayed her, lingering on thoughts she knew she shouldn't have.

But then reality snapped back. She remembered who he was. The man she had seen with Emily. The man who had been making her life at work difficult, with his constant scrutiny and this new, unfounded accusation. Her anger bubbled to the surface, and she shoved him back with all the strength she could muster.

"With all due respect, you're the one screwing your PA," she spat, her voice shaking with fury. "So just get the hell back, you jerk!"

Amaro's eyes flashed with surprise and something else—amusement, maybe. But Isabella didn't care. She'd had enough. Her hands trembled as she glared at him, her Italian temper flaring. She muttered a curse under her breath in Italian, her voice filled with venom.

"I'll bring my papers to your desk tomorrow. I quit."

Tears welled up in her eyes as the elevator dinged and the doors opened to the lobby. She stormed out without a second glance at Amaro, her mind racing, heart pounding. Once outside, she pulled out her phone and quickly texted Sarah.

"What time do you get off work? I need to talk."

Sarah responded almost immediately, sensing the urgency in her friend's message. "Around 7. What's up?"

Isabella typed back quickly, "I'll explain when you get here. Dinner at my place?"

Sarah agreed, and Isabella breathed a shaky sigh of relief. She needed to talk to someone—someone who wasn't involved in the mess that was her job. Stopping by a nearby grocery store, she picked up some fresh ingredients to cook a comforting dinner, trying to focus on something other than the whirlwind of emotions inside her.

By the time she got home, she felt more composed. She started chopping vegetables and preparing a simple but hearty meal, trying to keep herself distracted. When Sarah arrived, Isabella wasted no time diving into the story.

Over dinner, Isabella poured out everything—her frustration with Alex's sudden distance, the constant tension with Emily, and, of course, the unbearable confrontation with Amaro in the elevator.

"He actually accused you of screwing Alex?" Sarah asked, her eyes wide with disbelief. "That's insane."

"I know, right?" Isabella sighed, stabbing a fork into her salad. "And then he has the nerve to pin me against the wall and threaten to fire me."

"What an asshole," Sarah shook her head. "But I don't understand—why's Alex been so weird lately? You two were getting along great."

"That's what I don't get either," Isabella muttered. "It's like he's a different person all of a sudden."

They continued talking, Sarah trying to cheer Isabella up with funny stories about her latest one-night stand. As the evening wore on, the two friends found themselves laughing, despite everything.

"Honestly," Sarah said, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, "you're going to be fine. You're one of the smartest people I know. You'll find another job in no time."

Isabella smiled, but there was a lingering worry in the back of her mind. "I need to find something soon, though. My mom's been sick, and I need to send money through my Aunt Cecil to help with her treatment."

"Don't worry," Sarah reassured her. "You've got this. We'll figure it out."

After dinner, they sat together for a little while longer, talking about everything from work drama to their lives outside of it. By the time Sarah left, Isabella felt a bit more at ease. She cleaned up, took a long shower, and slipped into bed, exhaustion finally catching up to her.

As she lay in the dark, her mind kept replaying the events of the day, particularly the moment in the elevator with Amaro. His words, his presence—it all felt so surreal. But she knew one thing for sure: she couldn't stay at Global Innovations any longer.

Tomorrow, she would hand in her resignation and take the first step toward getting her life back on track.

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