Chapter 13: Lines Crossed

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Isabella woke up the next morning with a heavy heart. Her chest ached with the weight of the decision she had made the night before. She'd quit her job at Global Innovations, the very job she had fought so hard to get. But after everything that had happened with Amaro, she knew she couldn't stay there any longer. It wasn't just about the inappropriate way he had cornered her in the elevator—it was the feeling of suffocation that had been building over the past few months. The looks, the tension, Emily's cold stares, and Alex's sudden distance. It all felt too much.

Dragging herself out of bed, she decided that today was not a day for formal attire. After all, she was only going in to pack her things and say goodbye to the life she had worked so hard to build in New York. Isabella reached into her closet and pulled out a pair of fitted jeans and a simple white t-shirt. The casual outfit felt right for the occasion—she wasn't dressing to impress anymore. She left her long, wavy hair loose, letting it cascade down her back in soft, wild waves that nearly reached her waist. Only a hint of lip gloss and a brush of mascara framed her natural beauty. She felt raw, vulnerable, but strangely resolved.

Catching a cab, she gazed out of the window as the streets of Manhattan whizzed by. Her mind raced, filled with thoughts of everything she was leaving behind—her friends, the office, the rhythm of her new life in the city. But most of all, she couldn't stop thinking about Amaro Santero. Despite her anger, despite the fact that she had made up her mind, his presence lingered in her thoughts, a shadow that refused to fade.

Amaro Santero's POV

I fired Emily today.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Isabella had said. The way she had looked at me in that elevator, with such fury, such fire—I couldn't shake it. Her name rolled off my tongue so sweetly, it was like music in my mind. Isabella. I had never seen anyone like her before. From the first moment I saw her at that bar months ago, I knew she was different. She wasn't like the others. She didn't flock to me, wasn't intimidated, wasn't trying to win my attention. It made me want her more.

It started innocently. Watching her work, noticing the way she moved, how she handled herself with grace and intelligence. I'm not a stalker, but damn, I started to feel like one. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I watched her every day. At first, I told myself it was just admiration. But soon enough, admiration turned into something else. A craving. A desire that wouldn't go away.

That's when Emily stopped mattering. I had grown bored of her, tired of the games we played. Even when I tried to use Emily to fill the gap, nothing worked. I wasn't aroused anymore, not by her. It only made me angrier—angrier because I could feel Isabella slipping away, avoiding me like I was a plague. And worse, Alex had her attention.

I couldn't stand seeing her with him. So, I did what I had to do. I told Alex to stay away from her or else he would lose his job. Harsh? Maybe. But Isabella needed this job, and I wasn't going to let anyone come between her and me. I needed time, needed space to figure this out.

But that elevator ride... it didn't go as planned. When I saw her frantically pressing the button to avoid me, it was like a gut punch. I abandoned my private elevator and went straight to her. The silence was unbearable, so I broke it.

"You're a good employee, Isabella," I had said, my voice firm. "But I won't hesitate to fire you if you're screwing Alex."

I saw her eyes widen, her soft golden brown eyes full of confusion and disbelief. She looked lost, maybe even hurt. But I kept going. I had to make my point clear.

"The code of conduct is clear. It's a distraction."

I thought I was being firm, in control, but I didn't expect the reaction that came next. Her face twisted with anger, her voice dripping with venom.

"With all due respect, you're the one screwing your PA, so just get the hell back, you jerk!"

Her words hit me like a slap. She shoved me, her eyes blazing with a mixture of fury and disgust. In that moment, she was breathtaking. The passion, the fire—it only made me want her more. I couldn't even be angry.

Cazzo, I thought. Her temper, her defiance—it did something to me. It made me want to know her more, to break through her walls. But before I could say anything else, she threw a bombshell at me.

"I'll bring my papers to your desk tomorrow. I quit."

No. No, no, no. That wasn't what I wanted. That wasn't the plan. I was supposed to pull her closer, not push her away. I didn't sleep that night. I couldn't stop thinking about her—her voice, her eyes, the way she felt when she shoved me. She was like no one I had ever met, and now I had pushed her out of my life.

I needed a plan. I couldn't let her go. Not like this.

Isabella's POV

The ride to the office felt longer than usual, each block dragging on as she mentally rehearsed what she would say. She wasn't even sure she'd see Amaro today. She hoped she wouldn't. But as she stepped through the glass doors of Global Innovations, something felt off. Her heart pounded in her chest as she made her way to her desk to collect her things.

Would she really go through with it? Could she really quit and leave behind everything she'd worked for? The answer seemed clearer than ever. She had to—her peace of mind depended on it. But the closer she got to her office, the heavier the air felt.

Something was coming, and Isabella wasn't sure if she was ready for it.

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