Chapter 1: How can we rescue others if we're the ones that need rescuing? Pg11

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Hiroto: Uh, no problem I guess.

Hiroto:(We chatted for a little bit longer, then I took my leave.)

(-/Guild tent Armoury\-)

Hiroto:(I arrived at the armoury to see Yosuke already there.)

Yosuke: Oh hi Hiroto.

Hiroto: S-sorry Im late.

Yosuke: It's okay. I've been slowly chipping away at this mess, but dang it's still a lot.

Hiroto: Don't worry I'm here to help.

Yosuke: Well your kinda late this time. It's almost time for dinner.

Hiroto: What the hell it is!?

Yosuke: Hehe. Yep.

Hiroto: I-I'm so sorry.

Yosuke: It's fine. Let's get over there now. Shall we.

Hiroto:(We started making our way to the cafeteria.)

(-/Motel Cafeteria\-)

Hiroto:(We arrived at the cafeteria and sat down as usual. Once everyone was here Rai started speaking.)

Rai: Good evening everyone. Tomorrow evening, we are doing our talent show at the guild. However in order to get it ready, we need a volunteer to lead the talent show.

Hiroto: I can do it. I'm not competing in the talent show, so I can lead the project.

Rai: Great. For everyone who is participating, please talk to Hiroto.

Hiroto: Wait wait wait. How about tomorrow morning, so I'm able to get something write on.

Rai: Ok. Now since it will be taking place after diner, we need some volunteers to make dinner for everyone.

Yuuto: I can make supper. I'm not participating so at least I'm doing something.

Naoya: I'll also help with that. I do really have talent.

Rai: Alright. Now let's see who's going to be doing the other chores for tomorrow.

Hiroto:(Rai starts the machine)

Food- Syuuri and Ichika, Aires and Rai
Cleaning: Haruka and Yosuke, Aya and Kori
Schedule: Mai and Kunie

Rai: Oh, Mai and Kunie. I don't think you'll have to schedule anything for tomorrow give the talent show.

Mai: Ok, thank you.

Rai: Now let's eat.

Hiroto:(We all are diner like usual and I just went to my room once I was done.)

(|Hiroto's room|)

Hiroto:(I got some free time now. How should I spend it?)

(-/Motel Pool\-)
Free time: Haruki

Hiroto: Hi Haruki.

Haruki: Hi Hiroto. Want to join me for a swim.

Hiroto: Sure.

Hiroto:(We swam for quite a bit in the pool for a bit.)

Should I Haruki give a gift?

Hiroto: Hey I've got a gift for you.

Haruki: Huh? Oh are those goggles?

Hiroto: Yeah they...huh!?

Hiroto:(Haruki grabbed the pair of goggles from my hands and put it on his head.)

Haruki: So how do I look?

Hiroto: Kinda ridiculous if you ask me, haha.

Haruki: Perfect.

Hiroto:(Haruki took them of and smiled at me.)

Haruki:  Thank ya for these giggles. Now I'll have a better time seeing underwater.

Hiroto: Hey May I ask you a question?

Haruki: Shoot.

Hiroto: Why did you stop surfing?

Haruki: Huh? Oh yeah.

Hiroto: You don't have to if it's a sensitive subject.

Haruki: No no, just caught me of guard is all. How should I start this.

Haruki: Well I've always loved the water and loved surfing as ya already know. But this one time when I was 12 there were particularly bad storm coming, creating a massive waves.

Haruki: However one of my friends decided that this would be the best time to go surfing. All but one of my friends joined in.

Haruki: After some bit we were on a wave surfing but lightning struck. The friend how got the idea to go out there got scared and lost balance. He fell in and got electrocuted.

Haruki: My other friend was freaking out and was panicking. I told him to calm down and focus on staying of his board.

Haruki: However then the wave got super violent towards the beach and we were suddenly launched towards the beach.

Haruki: My friend survived landing on some sand way from the water. I however wasn't so lucky. I was launched into a rocky cliff face and was knocked unconscious.

Haruki: When I woke I learned that after slamming into the cliff I evolved, and if that wouldn't have happened, my back would still be broken.

Haruki: But also when I evolved, the adrenaline continued and now I have high blood pressure. Whenever I'm doing something that generates a lot of blood I can faint if done for a long period of time.

Hiroto: like how you fainted the first day.

Haruki: Yes

Hiroto: Wait how did you become a lifeguard then?

Haruki: We'll my mom was understandably over protective after the incident. She forbid me to do anything revolving the beach.

Hiroto: Why did you want to go back?

Haruki: Because I didn't want the incident change me. That's how Kousei would have want it. Eventually we came to a compromise of me becoming a lifeguard.

Hiroto: But isn't that more risky?

Haruki: She's just glad that I'm on land most of the time.

Hiroto: Hmm, well thank you for sharing that with me.

Haruki: No problem.

Hiroto:(I'm kinda happy that he shared that, although it might have been rough for him.)

???: The time is 10 pm.

Hiroto:(I hear the mysterious voice. I might as well head to bed.)

(|Hiroto's room|)

Hiroto:(I've gotten to my room and locked the door. Then I walked over to the bed, took off my satchel and went to sleep.)

Day 4

???: The time is 6:30 am

Hiroto:(I took my morning shower and took my satchel and took the outside route.)

(-/Motel Cafeteria\-)

Naoya: I, now it probably sounds weird.

Uhou: It's not weird to me.

Hiroto: Morning.

Naoya: Oh, Uh, morning.

Hiroto: What we're you to talking about?

Naoya: Oh nothing, just uh...

Uhou: He was just wondering if he could help with the setup of the talent show at lunch.

Hiroto: Oh of course you can. Thank you for offering.

Naoya: Ye-yeah no problem.

Hiroto:(He smiled at me. That sure as hell was weird.)


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