Chapter 1 Part 3

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Chapter 1 Part 3

“Deputy Marshal,” Bill corrected as he sat down. “My wife and I both were for a while. Why are you concerned about what we did almost ten years in the past? I thought all those cases had been closed.” He opened the humidor and offered a cigar to the Captain.

    “Well,” Weston had helped himself to Patches’ chair and now politely refused the cigar with a small gesture. “I have a rather unique problem. It happens that one of my lieutenants used to work for the city marshal in Tucson and he mentioned your name as someone who might be able to help.”

    “Oh?” Bill queried. Patches poured herself another cup of coffee and sat on the arm of Bill’s chair.

    “Yes,” the captain replied. “You see we have a suspicious death that my boys are trying to call a suicide but I think has a chance of being a murder. One of the city councilmen in fact, and frankly it just has us stumped.”

    Though they were not aware of it at the time, both Bill and Patches leaned forward at this statement.

    Over the course of the next few minutes Captain Weston described the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Joseph Feldman, late a member of the Denver City Council:  Four days before, the Feldman’s servants had heard the sounds of what they assumed was a struggle coming from the study where the councilman had retired for the evening. Upon investigating they found the door locked and several seconds later, heard a horrific crash. The servants rushed outside to find their employer’s body lying face down on the paving stones of his drive. The crash had been the breaking of his study window three floors above, but the odd thing was that in his terminal dive he had taken two unusual items with him; a medieval shield and long sword.

    When the police arrived, the door to the study had been forced open, and the officers on the scene surmised that there had been some sort of fight as much of the furnishings had been destroyed. On further examination it appeared that Councilman Feldman had inflicted the damage himself using the sword prior to his leap from the window.

     Captain Weston reached into his interior coat pocket and brought forth a sheaf of papers. “I would rather you didn’t tell anyone that I left these with you,” he explained handing them to Bill who passed them to Patches. She sat on the floor and laid them out between the two men.

    “No photographs?” Bill asked.

    The Captain looked a bit sheepish. “I’m afraid that we’re a bit behind the times in some ways. That’s why I thought you might be able to help. My lieutenant said that when you were a Marshal, excuse me, Deputy Marshal,” he corrected himself before Bill could, “in Arizona you always seemed to be able to come up with some new scientific slant on the evidence and then prove to the court that it all held together. If nothing else, I think that’s what we need here; someone with a different approach to take a look at things.”



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