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~aww you don't like me? Well get to the back of the line with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck~

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~aww you don't like me? Well get to the back of the line with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck~


I don't know what ran in my head when I warned that little girl. Maybe it's too many drinks?

You hate drinking and you are underage

Righhht but they must have drugged my punch. That's why you never trust Damon to fetch something edible for you. Next thing you know, there'll be an unhealthy amount of whatever he put in there.

"You said you want to take the headmasters down,Why?" Leo asked out of curiosity and everyone nodded in agreement.

I asked Leo to recruit a team, not recruit thirteen people including Roman (he got accepted because his opponent got distracted). Maybe asking Leo for that specific job wasn't very clever of me. I'm blaming it on Damon's punch for more thinking straight

"First tell me why you got thirteen people?!"

"They're all pretty skilled and they also despise the headmaster" Leo shrugs nonchalantly as if I didn't scream at him

Ohkay he does have a good point. I have also noticed that the people in front of me hate the headmaster with all their heart. Reason being, I don't know. They were also skilled so I'll let him off the hook for now.

"The headmaster is planning something big and I don't know what. I overheard the teachers  talk about something about the attempt to kidnapping a girl because she's the key to whatever device they have. We have to take it and find the girl or woman" I speak with utmost sincerity and solemnity.

Blair's eyes darken and grasps her girlfriend, Akira's hands pulling her even closer. "You know there are people who put their money into this school. Which means we are picking up a fight with them" Akira says with a serious and anxious tone

I don't blame her for being anxious. Taking down the headmaster meant taking down the whole board members who built this school.

"My father is one of the board members. So is Kai's and Blair's" Zhanna's voice calls out folding her arms. "What makes you think we'll join or we won't stop you?"

I knew she would ask this and luckily I went through everyone's background. I know revealing their parent's relationships would be fucked up but at this point, I have to.

"Well for one..." I walk around clasping my hands together behind my back. "Blair, you hate your father because he killed your parents and adopted you out of pity" her eyes darken clenching her jaw. I swear I saw Akira's hand twitch to Blair's blade in her holster wanting to plunge it in my throat.

Love at its finest. How sweet

"Kai, you don't really have much of a relationship with your father, well at least you support your sister" I continue nonchalantly as if the school's number one couple isn't plotting my death. Kai shrugs nonchalantly and bringing a bottle of beer to his mouth. I swear him and Damon are the school's drunkards. Speaking of which, the fucker, Damon was busy eye fucking Ember . For the love of– you know what, I don't even want to know what's happening in that shitty head of his. I'd rather stay curious or I'll meet unholy things.

I turn to Zhanna who thinned her lips knowing what I'm about to tell her. Since I have a bit of remorse, who am I fucking kidding, I don't have time to tell her her issues. "Do you want me to continue Zhanna?" I raise a brow and she immediately shakes her head. Good. I guess the information I have on her will have to stay with me only.

"So is everyone with me?" My voice booms throughout the room. Some people nod, some mumble and I think I heard flying colorful curses coming out of couple goals over there. Sorry not sorry but it had to be done. No need to act like asses.

Mute over here steps up walking towards me. "What do I get in this. I do hate the headmaster but not that much to work with these asses just to obliterate him" Noah signs. The fucker is mute or so I think. I'm not sure because I haven't seen any diagnosis a doctor gave him that he's mute so I assume he is.

"Does getting the chance to hack  into world class devices including the Priscilla count for compensation?" I ask. As I said, I knew what everyone likes and dislikes. Noah is weirdly obsessed with devices and reading but not as much as he does for this weird Priscilla.

He rolls his eyes and backs away. That is a silent agreement that he is joining. I look at everyone in front of me waiting for anyone else to grow balls and try to object or anyone to come out and ask questions.

Ember is not much of a talker and she wants blood so she's surely in. Xavier, Akira, Noah and Damon wants to get hands on with real challenging devices so I doubt they'll drop out or tell the headmaster. Although Akira is really livid considering I revealed her girlfriend's relationship with her parent.

She's definitely hacking into my phone tonight.

Zuri, Blair(who's shooting eye daggers at me), Leo, Roman and Kehlani just wants to commit murder. The most fucked up people in this room. Zhanna doesn't really have much of a choice. She wants revenge on one of the board members

"Fine I guess everyone is in. Oh and if I do happen to find whatever we discussed in this room out of this room, I will track you down" I'll really find them and track them down. I'm also a computer geek. Heck I might be better than Noah.

"Right so we are complete–"

"–I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'm a bit hurt that I'm not in this little spy mission of yours"


Who didn't lock the fucking door?!



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