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~Everyone knows who's the real fucking main character here~

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~Everyone knows who's the real fucking main character here~


"Delilah! I swear for fuck sake I'll kill you before you even step out of the house. We are going to be late" Zhanna shouts from downstairs.

I swear my sister has a voice that can wake the whole fucking world if she wants to—Scratch that—even if she doesn't do it intentionally.

I rush downstairs with my bags fully packed with clothes and I see my dad tapping his foot on the floor and Zhanna checking her makeup through the mirror.

"You must know a lady takes her time to prepare. That's why they look beautiful and why I look beautiful. Didn't you know? Oh I forgot. You didn't and thats why you look like that" I say rushing passed her and to the our driver who packed my things in the trunk.

"Fuck off" Zhanna gave me the flashiest middle finger made in history.

Me downgrading her was like my love language. She knew she was stunning and beautiful but she didn't need me to tell her that.The woman has the ego of two fucking Jupiters. Plus I'm much better with insults than compliments. Those make me want to hurl

"Alright girls as much as I would enjoy your verbal brawl, we have America to get to now get your asses in the damn car" Dad pushed us in the car.

Enjoy our brawl? Really dad?

Two years ago which was a week when I was living in the orphanage, the nun told me I was getting adopted. Yes I call her the nun. You should see how she looks like.

I got adopted by Heigns Ivanov who also had a daughter a year older than me, Zhanna. Heigns is the CEO of some company that produces weapons and into some shady business.

About a year ago Heigns trained me to the core. I asked him why and that's when he told me he was the don of the Russian Mafia and that it would be beneficial for me and the mafia.

He wasn't much of a 'father' but he didn't abuse me mentally nor physically. He was just someone who I wouldn't murder that's all.

He freaked out when he saw all the bruises and scars on my body and wanted to hunt down my stepmother and kill her. I told him to leave it and I wanted to take care of it myself. I'm the one who wants to finish off my stepmother.

Sometimes I forget how rich Heigns is hence why we were on a fucking private jet on the way to the outskirts of New York. Zhanna has been going to a boarding school there and I found out how badass this school is.

My father wanted me to tryout for the school. He gave me options if I wanted to be an  assasin in training because of the skills I had and I immediately accepted before he even finished the question.

So now I was on the way for tryouts and Zhanna had to go to school and she won't be able to witness the tryouts. I'm bummed because she won't see how amazing I am at kicking ass. I mean I'm a fucking legend

I take out a piece of paper and make a makeshift weed tube. Dad gave me a dirty look and shook his head.
He once tried stopping me from smoking but there's no stopping me when this is the only thing that gives me peace.

I inhaled the smoke and the heavenly scent of weed filled the private jet. My brain felt foggy and everything was dizzy.

Why didn't I have a high tolerance for weed and alcohol?

Zhanna scrunched her nose in disgust. "I don't understand how you, a 16 year old can smoke that"

I just roll my eyes and continue to smoke until I'm tired of it and threw it on the nearest ashtray.

The rest of the flight was boring and tiring. Zhanna was busy talking about some guy she is swooning about and how much she missed him. If Zhanna was not talking about some dickhead, dad was talking about how much being an assasin will benefit the mafia. I get it dad. No need to convince me any more when I already want to kill. Geez


We soon landed and–

–Can someone kill Zhanna for me because I sure as hell won't give her a slow death. Gosh she was so annoying. She was still yapping about her potential if not boyfriend.
Don't think he'll appreciate her though

"Zhanna as much as I'd like to hear you tell me more reasons to kill the fucking guy you so much like, I'd like to have peace. I have a fucking headache" I shut her up when we entered the car rubbing my temples together.

"It's not my fault you have an obsession with your weird marijuana" she mumbled under her breath.

She didn't dare call my marijuana weird.I'll show you weird bitch.
So I took out my dagger from my holster ready to lunge at her but dad stopped me. "Delilah...drop it" Dad raised his brows at me. I put back the dagger in the holster where it belonged. For now. It truly belonged in her fucking brains

"Were you just about to stab me with that thing?" Zhanna's eyes widened in shock

"No. I just wanted to give your ugly hair a make-over"
No I wasn't. I wanted to take out her beloved nails she's obsessed with.

"Geez. I can't wait to disown you before you kill me with your 24/7 arguements" dad said rubbing his temples.

Zhanna acted like she was hurt with a dramatic shock and placing her hand on her chest.
"Ouch dad. I'd understand why you wanna disown that bitch but me? I thought I was your favorite"

I started bursting out with laughter. "Yeah I'd understand why you would be his favorite. You two are practically the same. That's not a compliment. It never is" That was soon returned with a string of colorful curses from both Zhanna and dad.

See? They are exactly the same. "Oh and first of all. I'm a bad bitch and second of all it's not like I'd care you disown me" I said after calming down from the laughter.

"See dad? I told you she's crazy" Zhanna threw her hands in the air like a mad woman.

I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I tuned out whatever conversation they were having and thought about what awaits for me at my potential new school. Scratch that—at my new school. It would be preposterous to not accept me. I'm ready to show them my new awesome skills


I know.
Delilah has enough ego to feed an entire army

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