Credits and Thanks

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That's the second book I've ever finished. Wow. Seriously, just, wow.

This one took a lot longer than Comet Nights, mainly because of bad timing and illness, but also because of my extreme laziness and procrastination skills. I'm very sorry to anyone I tortured because you were waiting for an update for so long that you just dried up and died. I'm also sorry for Chapter Twelve- yeah, that was pretty gory. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

There is, as always, a huge amount of people I need to thank. Since this book sadly does not feature a lovely edited picture by Damien on every chapter, as Veraldai is nigh-on impossible to edit in, I only have to thank DreamWorks for the cover art. It's Heather, by the way, who has many a strange similarity to Vera- AU twin sisters, anyone?

I'm still gonna thank Damien for being my best friend and being annoying and fun and everything awesome ever, and bugging me a lot over getting this done. I also have to thank my parents, for letting me commandeer the laptop for hours on end, and also for not letting me go on the laptop so I don't have constant migranes. I may have complained, but you're a lifesaver, mom.

I have to doubly thank my relatives, too, because in the midst of writing this, in fact around chapters 9 - 10, I got seriously ill. While on vacation. So my awesome parents had to deal with my sickness while I unfortunately had to miss out seeing my relatives. Sorry about that, everybody. It was not fun. I promise.

But there are many people I'm grateful to here on the Watt of Pad, too. Thank you to Tsunami_Holmes, the epic dragon girl who advertised Comet Nights and is now an avid reader of the whole series, in fact she's usually the first to comment! Another thank you goes to Alpha Artemis (ArtemistheNightwing), my beloved Alpha and a lover of the series. She's even included Comet in a couple short HTTYD stories of hers, which excites me beyond belief. They're in her two randomness books- go check them out! And while you're at it, follow both of them, too!

And finally, thank you all the lovely, amazing, beautiful readers of both Comet Nights and Dragon's Slave. I wasn't planning to write a sequel, or even make this whole thing into a trilogy (oops, spoilers!) but here we are. And it's all thanks to you. Comet Nights is one of the most popular HTTYD fanfics out there, because of all you incredible people. I'm so lucky to have you all.

All right, credits time:

Storyline and Writing by RainbowPhoenixWrites.

The characters of Veraldai, Greenflare, the Mindling and Comet by RainbowPhoenixWrites.

The dragon species of Mindling, Mimic Spitter and Golemscreamer by RainbowPhoenixWrites, all other dragon species owned by the DreamWorks company.

The characters of Hiccup, Toothless, Valka, Gobber, Astrid and Stormfly belong to the DreamWorks company, they are not mine.

That's the end of this book, but as I said before, a sequel is in store... Featuring a very special little Night Fury and a very special little Berkian! (No, not Vera and Comet.) But I've got about three million other fanfics to write, so... Until the next time, and may you find the gift of dragons!

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