Chapter 1: Origins

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The sun was setting over Tokyo, casting a warm, golden hue over the city. The streets were alive with the usual hum of cars and chatter, but within the secluded dojo of the Van Hellsing family, there was only the sound of heavy breathing and clashing wood. Andy Van Hellsing, an 8-year-old boy with determination in his eyes, gripped his wooden katana, panting hard as he faced his father, Akira Van Hellsing.

“Again!” Akira ordered, his voice firm and unyielding.

Andy, his limbs trembling from exhaustion, tightened his grip and prepared for another strike. His body ached from hours of practice, but he refused to quit. “Father, can’t we take a break? I’ve been training all day.”

Akira shook his head, his expression stern. “Monsters won’t give you a break, Andy. You think a vampire will wait for you to catch your breath before it rips your throat out? Again!”

Andy gritted his teeth and lunged forward, swinging his katana in a wide arc. Akira blocked the strike effortlessly, pushing Andy back with a single movement. “Too slow. You’re leaving yourself open. Focus!”

“I’m trying!” Andy snapped, frustration seeping into his voice. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “Why does it have to be this hard?”

Akira lowered his weapon, his eyes narrowing as he stepped closer to his son. “Because the world is hard, Andy. You’re a Van Hellsing. We don’t get the luxury of an easy life. One day, the monsters will come for you, just like they came for your ancestors. And when that day comes, you’ll need to be ready.”

Andy looked down at his feet, his chest tightening with the weight of his father’s words. “But why me? Why can’t I just be… normal? Like the other kids?”

Akira’s expression softened, but only slightly. He knelt in front of Andy, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Normal isn’t an option for us. You carry the Van Hellsing name, and with that comes responsibility. Your great-great-grandfather, Abraham Van Hellsing, dedicated his life to hunting the creatures of the night. And now, it’s your turn to continue that legacy.”

“But I don’t want to be a hunter!” Andy blurted out, his voice trembling. “I don’t want to fight vampires or demons. I just want to be a kid.”

Akira sighed, standing up and walking to the window, gazing out at the darkening sky. “I didn’t want this for you either, Andy. But we don’t get to choose our fate. The world is full of monsters, and someone has to stop them. That someone is us.”

Before Andy could respond, a loud crash echoed from outside the dojo, followed by a scream that sent chills down his spine. Both father and son froze, their instincts immediately on high alert.

Akira grabbed his sword from the wall and turned to Andy, his face set in grim determination. “Stay here. Protect your mother. Do not come outside, no matter what you hear.”

“But—" Andy started to protest, but his father cut him off with a sharp look.

“No arguments, Andy. Do as I say.” Akira’s voice left no room for negotiation.

Andy watched as his father dashed out of the dojo, disappearing into the night. His heart pounded in his chest, fear and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He wanted to follow, to help, but his father’s warning echoed in his mind.

“Andy.” His mother, Ayane, appeared at the doorway, her face pale with worry. “We need to stay inside.”

“What’s happening, Mom?” Andy asked, his voice small and shaky.

Ayane didn’t answer immediately. She walked over to him and knelt down, pulling him into a tight embrace. “Whatever it is, your father will handle it. We just need to stay safe.”

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