Chapter 8: Following

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The streets of Gotham felt even darker as the Justice League trailed behind Andy. His pace was relentless, and he moved with a single-minded focus that both intrigued and unnerved them. The air was thick with tension, and with each step, the League exchanged glances, uncertain of how to bridge the growing divide.

As they turned down a narrow alley, Andy's senses heightened. He could smell the familiar scent of decay—the telltale sign of a vampire lair. Without hesitation, he drew his Dragon tantō, ready to strike.

“Wait,” Superman said, raising a hand. “Let’s strategize first. We need to approach this carefully.”

“Carefully?” Andy shot back, his voice sharp. “They won’t wait for us to plan. I don’t have time for hesitation. If you can’t handle that, leave!”

Wonder Woman stepped forward, concern in her eyes. “We’re trying to help you, Andy. But we need to work together.”

He glared at her, the intensity in his gaze unwavering. “I don’t need your help. I can do this on my own!”

“Then go ahead,” Green Lantern said, his tone growing frustrated. “But you’re going to attract attention, and not the kind we want.”

“Enough!” Batman's voice cut through the tension. “You’re a part of this team, whether you like it or not.”

Andy paused, turning to face Batman, his expression a mix of anger and disbelief. “I was never part of your team. I aligned myself with you because our interests matched. But now? You’re just going to get in my way.”

“Andy,” Batman said firmly, “this isn’t about you. We have a greater mission here.”

“Your mission,” Andy replied, his voice low and dangerous, “is not my mission. Back off, or I won’t hesitate to cut you down just like these vampire scum.”

The air crackled with tension as the words hung between them. Flash shifted uneasily, glancing between Andy and Batman. “Can we please focus on the vampires?”

But Andy was already moving, charging into the darkness of the alleyway. As he entered, he faced a cluster of vampires lounging in the shadows, their eyes glowing menacingly. Without a moment's pause, he lunged forward, his blade flashing in the moonlight.

The Justice League watched, a mix of awe and concern as Andy dispatched the vampires with ruthless efficiency. He moved like a blur, slashing and dodging, a whirlwind of violence. Each vampire fell before him, and the League members could hardly keep up.

“See?” Andy called over his shoulder as he took down another foe. “This is how it’s done! If you want to survive, you need to stop worrying about saving them!”

“Stop!” Wonder Woman yelled, but it was too late. Andy was already in the thick of it, and the fight had escalated.

Superman shot into the fray, trying to assist, but Andy spun around, his blade raised. “Stay back! You’ll ruin my rhythm!”

Batman narrowed his eyes, analyzing the chaos. “This isn’t right. He’s losing control.”

As Andy continued his onslaught, he felt the rush of power surging through him. But in the corner of his eye, he spotted Batman moving toward the remaining vampires, using his gadgets with precision.

“Stop!” Andy shouted, frustration boiling over. “You’re going to ruin everything!”

Batman turned to him, unwavering. “You’re too blinded by anger to see the bigger picture. This isn’t just about revenge!”

“Then what is it about?” Andy shot back, the venom in his voice cutting deep. “You think they deserve mercy? You think this is just a game?”

“No,” Batman said firmly. “But we’re heroes. We don’t kill indiscriminately. We uphold justice.”

Andy’s face twisted in disbelief. “Justice? You want justice? Then help me eradicate this filth!”

With that, Andy charged forward again, moving with lethal grace as he struck down the last of the vampires. The alley fell silent, and he stood amidst the carnage, panting heavily, blood splattered on his trench coat.

The Justice League approached cautiously, the weight of the moment heavy on their shoulders. Andy turned to them, his expression fierce. “Are you going to follow me or stand there judging me?”

“You need to understand,” Batman said, stepping closer. “Killing like this won’t solve your pain. It’ll only deepen it.”

For a brief moment, doubt flickered in Andy’s eyes, but he quickly masked it with anger. “I won’t stop until every last one of them is dead. If you can’t handle that, then leave. I won’t waste my time with weakness.”

With that, Andy turned and walked away, leaving the Justice League standing in the alley, grappling with the reality of who he was and the choices he made. The night continued to stretch before them, filled with uncertainty and the echoes of a struggle that was far from over

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