6: A mole is discovered

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I wake up to an email from Lavinia.

Reyna, Frank, and I are doomed.

Subject: Hey guys!

From: @TapDancingPraetor

To: @_GemGirl @ReynaWillKill @FrankZiguess


Hey guys.

So uh, idk how to say this but fifth has gone WILD. Like, they're breaking all the rules and wont follow instructions.

And I've heard the Senate is planning to blame you guys bc you're the Praetors, obvs. And they may or may not be thinking about replacing u guys.


PS: You did NOT hear this from me, alr??

I showed Frank and Reyna the email. Reyna cursed, and I did my best to ignore it. Frank groaned. ''I knew one of us should have stayed behind to make sure the cohort didn't do this!!'

Reyna rolled her eyes. ''Yeah, but we all know I'm the only one with actual authority here, you guys are too kind! And if you both went alone, nothing would have been done about the exchange program because you would spend the entire three weeks chatting and catching up with Jason and Piper!''

I could tell that Reyna wanted to insult Jason and Piper, and I could also tell that Frank wanted to try and argue. So being the peacekeeper, I shushed both of them.

''Okay, listen. Now is not the time to be arguing. We need to think about the fact that we could be possibly overthrown, which is more important than taking jabs at each other''

They sigh and we all look at each other. I decide to continue with my theory.

''We need to think about why the cohort might be doing this. What is to gain from acting out, other than punishment? If we were there, whoever was acting out would be punished harshly. But now that we have left, it means we might be overthrown, leaving empty Praetor spots''

Reyna nods, the ideas clicking into place. ''So someone might be trying to overthrow us. Probably someone who knows other peoples secrets, like maybe blackmail. We announced we would be leaving at the start of the last term when the war ended. That's enough time to collect secrets''

Frank joined in. ''And it would probably be two people. We know the cohort- they respect us. They wouldn't just randomly begin to act out for no reason. So two people who have decided to work together. And those people obviously were in the Senate meeting, covering for us. The two wouldn't tell anyone else because well, that would look suspicious. So, who was in the Senate meeting?''

I looked around. ''Well, Eileen, Milek, Kiria, and Abbey are in the Senate. Lei and Charli were covering for us. So maybe we should send them an email?''

Frank nods. ''But we shouldn't let them know that we know we are trying to be overthrown. Whoever lies is obviously either seriously worried about having their secrets spilled, or is one of the overthrowers''

Subject: Senate Meeting

From: @_GemGirl

To: @Eye_Lean @Milek_Email! @Moreton_Kiria? @DownTownAbbey!! @LeiLei @CHARLIII3

CC: @ReynaWillKill @FrankZiguess

Hey guys! Me and Frank were just wondering what was discussed at the Senate meeting? We just want to know so that we are up to date with everything!

I press send. We walk to the Big House to talk to Chiron more about the exchange program, although I'm worried. By the end of the week, we may not be Praetors.

View Replies (5):

@LeiLei: Uhm....Idk really? Apparently we've been acting out (not me, lol) so they are considering punishing you guys. Otherwise they thought about getting a new oracle, or if we need a new one after Octavians death, since Rachel technically could say Roman and Greek prophecies

Moreton_Kiria?: I'm sick rn so I wasn't there, sorry yall!

@Milek_Email!: Yeah, basically what Lei said. Admittedly, I have been a little rude to the other Praetors but I had my reasons, loll

@CHARLIII3: Uh nothing really. Just stuff about the war games on Friday.

@DownTownAbbey!!: NGL I was zoned out thinking about lunch. Kill me.

Subject: No Subject Line :)

From: Eye_Lean

To: @_GemGirl @FrankZiguess @ReynaWillKill


Listen. You didn't hear this from me, but Charli and Alica have been blackmailing people to act out so they can overthrow yall and become Praetor. They found almost the entire cohorts secrets (including mine, unfortunately) and told us that if we didn't act out, then they would spill it all in an email to the Centurions.

I heard them talking in the bathrooms- the plan is for Charli to act all nice and sweet while you guys are gone. She fed Kiria lemons which made her sick. Currently, Kiria is the best Senator we have and she knows it, so Charli is trying to make her look bad.

Once you all have been taken out of Praetor, there will be a vote. Charli will be voted for Prator, then asked who she recommends. She will say Alica, the Senate will vote (remember that a fifth of those votes, if not more- she can find almost anyones secrets- will be biased) and that's that.

If you want to know, the only people whos secrets they couldn't find were Lei, Maddie, Bianca, and Scarlet.

I need to go now, but yeah. Sorry this is happening to you guys.


Reyna sighs. ''I guess we know who our moles are. But what do we do now?''

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