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An year later, Felix's group—the one he now choreographed for—was on a world tour, performing across continents with massive success. They had just finished the Seoul leg of the tour, and the next stop was Japan. Felix was buzzing with excitement; the tour had been a huge deal for him, not only as the choreographer but because he had grown so close to the idols in the group. But what made it all the better was the idea that Minho might join him on the Japan leg.

Felix was sprawled across the bed at their apartment, his phone in hand, trying to convince Minho to come along.

"Please, hyung. You have to come with me this time. You missed out on Paris and New York, but Japan? Come on, it's practically in your blood! Your ancestors would be ashamed of you if you didn't!" he teased, sitting up to rest his chin on his knees, pouting dramatically to melt his boyfriend.

Minho, who was lounging on the couch nearby with one of the cats perched on his lap, raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Are you really trying to guilt-trip me into this with my Japanese roots? Yongbok-ah, I haven't even been to Japan in years."

Felix crawled off the bed and shuffled toward him, his voice turning more playful as he dropped to his knees in front of the couch. He reached for Minho's hand, dramatically pleading. "Come on, babe! Think about it... Tokyo! Kyoto! Ramen stalls! Sushi! And puddings! I'll even let you pick the restaurants we eat at. And I'll need someone to keep me company when the group's busy. You won't leave your poor boyfriend all alone in a foreign country, will you?"

Minho grinned down at him, leaning back against the couch as he enjoyed Felix's playful desperation, his legs spreading wide to encompass the younger in between them as Felix leaned forward, elbows resting on Minho's thighs. "You're really pulling out all the stops, huh? What do I get out of this, besides getting dragged around Japan while you're off working with the idols?"

Felix's pout deepened, before his voice lowered into a seductive tease, hands replacing his elbows on Minho's delicious thighs as he gripped and massaged the muscle. "I promise to be on my best behavior... or worst, depending on what you want," he added with a wink. "I just want you there with me. You know how much more fun everything is when you're around."

Minho rolled his eyes, but the fondness in his expression betrayed him, his hands grasping Felix's before they could roam in unchartered territories. "You're lucky you're so cute," he muttered, standing up and ruffling Felix's hair. "Fine, I'll come with you. But only because I don't want to hear you whining about it the whole time."

Felix sprang up to his feet in surprise, throwing his arms around Minho's neck because wow, he hadn't expected it to be this easy. "Yes! You're the best, hyung! I knew I could count on you!"

Minho sighed in mock defeat, but he couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. "I'll let Jin hyung know I'm taking some time off. I bet he's going to give me hell for this."

Felix's eyes gleamed. "Oh, please, let me hear that conversation." and Dori, who had slid off Minho's lap when Felix had come closer, jumped off the couch and trilled his support, pawing at the phone on the couch's handrest in impatience.

Minho smirked as he picked up his phone and dialed his uncle Jin. Putting it on speaker, he motioned Felix to follow him, followed by Dori, both trailing after him like lost babies as he walked to the kitchen to start up on the breakfast. After the call. He leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms and the line rang twice before Jin picked up with his usual lively tone.

"Hello! My favorite nephew! What's up, kid?"

"Hyung, I am your only nephew," Minho said, shaking his head at the absurd statement before leaning right into the casual conversation. "And I'm calling to let you know I'm taking some time off this week."

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