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"Y/n chan~ can i ask why're you wearing bandages?"

This was literally y/n's least favorite question, like why the fuck can't people mind their own buisness, she felt her blood boil everything it was asked but she didn't show it and only kept her usual childish look.

Gojo had given a ride to both maki and yuta to one elementary school where kids have been missing, this was where both the first years would go on exorcize the curse.

Y/n came along with gojo cause he asked and she couldn't say no since bro was technically her teacher. And now she was pretty irritated at the fact that she's gonna be with him standing outside the veil until the two were done with the curse.

"Its for my ability, I can nullify cursed energy just by touch." She gave her go to excuse, it wasn't conplelty a lie, just half the truth.

"You can nullify cursed energy just by touch? That's amazing, what else can you do?" The paint brush asked with his usual smile while the girl was wondering what brand of lip balm does he use.

"Well, that's all." She answered nonchalantly.

"That's all-?"

"Yeah. when I try using cursed energy it instently nullifies because of my ability. Cursed weapons are bo exception." Y/n answered back, leaning on a near by wall since standing up was pretty much tiresome.

"Ah, I see you wear bandages to prevent yourself from accidently touching à comrades comrades in battle... Can you try touching me here." Gojo approached the girl until he was standing infront of her putting his hand up so her palm was facing her.

Now that he was infrotn of her, he sure as heck looked tall, y/n herself wasn't on the short term. She was a solid 5'10. Tho she very much looked like a toddler in comparison with him.

Damn. Is that how chuuya aleays feels like?

"Sure." Not quite understanding where this demand was comming form, she approached her hand towards his until the two's hand were touching.

At that, gojo wore a slightly chocked face but one that wasn't showing because his eyes were hidden well with those bandages, tho y/n didn't fail at noticing the slight discomfort comming from him.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked, a sly smirk forming on her lips as she interviewed her fingers with his and getting dangerously closer to his personal space and into his face.

"Nah, forget it." He pulled away, and letting go of her hand in the process looking back at the entrance of the elementary school.

"You sure are one weird kid." He Mumbled under his breath. But it wasn't discreet enough and y/n heard him just fine.

"I get that a lot."

After that, everything was pretty much silent, just y/n looking over at one park across the street where some kids were carelessly playing while the sky was a bright blue color and the sun shine illuminating her already dark features.

Gojo side glanced at her, observing how unusual she was from pretty much everyone. Now that he learned y/n could branch his infinity, he didn't know what to think about it, or even how to feel about it.

He never heard about y/n's last name dazai, and much less for a clan capable of nullifying cursed energy just by touch. Could it be considered as a cursed technique?

Too many unknowns.

"Say y/n, when did you start seeing curses?" Gojo broke off the silence that roamed both of them. The girl he asked looked over at his bandaged eyes, cringing after getting a slight flashback of her old self.

"I don't know, it just happened. Whyd you wanna know?" She shrugged it off, not really wanting to talk about herself.

"Maybe it'd help us figure out how you can successfully control your cursed energy without having your nullifying technique in the way." He responded with a smile.

"Its not a technique."


"Have you heard of gifted people? Or ability users?" Y/n asked as gojo shook his head, eager to learn more.

"Its a surnatural power that a few minority are born with. Mine is called no longer human, it allows me to nullify any ability just by touch, it also doesn't have anything to do with jujutsu." She explained with simple words that even a toddler would understand, if gojo's bandages weren't on his eyes would've widened in surprise.

"If it's not jujutsu why can't it nullify cursed energy?"

"Who knows." Y/n shrugged.

"...damn, you really are weird."

"Says the ugly white paintbrush looking teacher."

"Hey! I'll have you know that I'm very handsome." The man child retorted back being angry at the fact that y/n called him ugly.

"Oh yeah? Why do you were those nasty bandages then? How can you even see through them?"

It was mainly a taunt to get him to remove his bandages, believe it or not y/n knew what's true beauty and gojo was drop dead gorgeous.

"I was born with a cursed technique called the six eyes, they can get me any information I want- OH!" momment of realisation for gojo, he almost forgot who he was and what he had as assets.

He shoved over his bandages to the side exposing one of his glorious blue eyes looking directly at y/n with it.

"You..." He muttered, for the first time in years his fear senses were triggering ever so slightly. Y/n one the other side just stayed silent as she kept holding eye contact with him a half glare.


"Don't- worry about it for now."

But anyways, the veil wore off and the sight of two beaten up first years aswell as two other children was displayed just infront of the two.

Gojo decided to push away his worries and concentrate on the other new student for now.


The next day came just like that and everyone back was on training.

Y/n sucked at physical activities, but yuta sucked even more so it made her feel better about it.

"Maki, toge, one last lap!" Panfa shouted as the two ran up the whole area.

"How many have I got left?" Y/n asked as she came to a step where Panda was, trying to make it sound like she wanted to know how many laps she got left but it was really just an excuse to catch her breath.

"Five more."

"FIVE MORE??? No thank you! I prefer dying."


"Okay okay fine! I'm running."


On the other side gojo was watching intensly over his first year students, how yuta started feeling more comfortable around his new classmates and how they've come to accept him.

The same thing could be said for y/n, she was a very easy going person and not so hard to talk with as she was mostly the one doing the talking. 90% of the time either asking toge or yuta for a double suicide, only to get beaten by Rika afterwards but she was mostly fine because of her ability.

"Youth shouldn't be taken away from anyone..." That's what gojo kept telling himself as his gaze eyed yuta, who's execution he got suspended.

"Could the same thing be said to criminals?"

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⏰ Last updated: 12 hours ago ⏰

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