chapter 37

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Despite seeing the scene for the second time today I didn't feel any less disturbed

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Despite seeing the scene for the second time today I didn't feel any less disturbed.

Ronan had been adamant about watching each student as they passed over the reddish line of explosives that I had seen earlier. It was eerily silent, only the crunches underneath our feet were heard.

As I entered the village for the first time I got a closer look at the destruction and death.
I didn't want to look at the corpses that were caked in a mixture of blood and ash sticking onto their bodies.
Ronan hadn't been right when he had said than our reluctance would cost a person their life.

Because we were too late hundreds of lives were lost.

Besides the steady hum of the insects that disgustingly stuck to my sweaty skin the village was shed in a dreadful silence.

From here we would divide into two groups that we had already decided upon.
I was going with Davian although he hadn't been my first choice. I had already stepped onto Ronan's side when I noticed that the groups weren't even. It made sense since nobody knew Davian, making Ronan the safer option.

But I trusted Davian as well, reminding myself that choosing him was the saner option.
As I walked behind him I watched the steady movements of his shoulders but they didn't have the same attraction to me...

There was less distraction in this group, allowing me to get focused.

We walked to the left while the other group took the right, going to the north side. The atmosphere was tense since we would soon start our attack without knowing what to expect. The buildings along the inner perimeter were too dense to look further than a few meters ahead, forcing us to approach carefully.

It had been obvious that Ronan and Davian hadn't been too sure if anybody even survived. But I didn't want to think about that.
There had to be at least one person who had managed to hide between the narrow passages.

When we reached the southern side we didn't know if the other group was ready to go in as well. All we could do was wait for a minute before moving forward in anticipation.

We carefully walked in between the walls, looking out for danger lurking past the crumbling walls. Meanwhile my stomach was churning in anxiety at the smell that was only growing stronger. The decay was evident now, hinting at what lay behind these walls.

With every house we passed I grew wearier. Why weren't there any corpses?

For a second I was confused because Davian had stopped. Standing right beside him I had an open view into his field of vision. There was nothing from the ordinary. Debris and ash.

But after focusing I noticed something weird too. The space was darker, far darker than what we had arrived to. I was still able to see perfectly fine but that didn't relieve the stress I felt.
If it wasn't for Davian I wouldn't have noticed.
When I looked at him, creases forming between his brows, I knew that we were almost there.

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