7th Chapter

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[Victor's POV]

The team crashes into a group hug, our bodies bouncing in unison as we shout in triumph. We did it.

As the energy settles, Marc steps beside me, and together we scan the crowd for familiar faces. Our families, friends - all the people who matter.

"There they are," Marc points slightly to the left, where I spot Marina and her crew along with Marc's parents. I give a wave, and Marina signals back, letting us know they'll meet us at the entrance.

After splashing my face with cold water and changing out of my sweat-soaked gear, Marc and I head to the front where they're already waiting.

"Great play," Marc's father pats me twice on the back. I grin, "Thanks."

Conversation flows easily as we relive the best moments of the game. Carter flips through pictures on his camera, showing us the action.

"That one's fire," Marc says, pointing at a shot of us mid-attack, right before the final goal.

"For sure, that's wall material," I laugh, slinging an arm over his shoulder.

A flash blinds me for a second. I blink, covering my eyes as Carter snickers.

"Would've appreciated a warning," I chuckle, rubbing the sting away.

"The best pictures happen when you're not ready," he says, grinning like a pro.

"He's got a point," Kayla joins, her smile wide.

"Nice moves out there," Marina nudges me with a smirk. She's talking about the attack - the one where I dribbled past every defender, using the tricks she'd taught me during all those hours spent at the park or in our backyard.

I shrug, grinning, "I had a good teacher."

She smiles, and it hits me - how rare it is, and how stunning. I pull her into a hug, tight enough that she has no choice but to give in, and after a beat, she hugs me back just as strong.

When she pulls away, her eyes lock onto mine. "I'm proud of you, Victor."

It hits me like a punch. She's never made me feel like she wasn't, but hearing it - actually hearing it - is different. Mom never says it. Dad? He barely calls. It's been two weeks since I've heard from him, and if I did, it'd probably go straight to voicemail.

But Marina's here. And she's proud of me. I don't need anyone else when I've got her. She's not just my sister - she's my mom, my dad, my best friend. She's everything.

"Thanks," I manage, my voice tight as I blink back the sting of tears. Someone is proud of me - the person I care about the most is actually proud of me.

"So, who's down for a celebratory dinner?" Sara claps her hands together, breaking the moment.

"I'm in," the group answers in chorus.

"Kayla's turn to pick," Carter suggests. "It's been a while."

"7 o'clock sound good? Vic and I need some time to shower and change," Marc adds.

"Works for me," Sara replies.

As we start to head out, Marc's mom turns to Marina. "Could you drop Marc off? We've got to head back to the office."

"Sure," Marina says with a nod.

We exchange quick 'see you laters' and head to the parking lot. As we pull away, I mess with the radio, finding something decent, before texting Mom to let her know I'll be home soon.

The drive is peaceful, the late afternoon sun casting a golden hue over the city as we weave through the usual L.A. traffic. I sit back, watching the streets blur past while the low hum of music fills the car. Marina keeps her eyes on the road, her expression calm, though I catch her glancing at me every so often, like she's checking in without saying anything.

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