6th Chapter

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[Marina's POV]

A comfortable calmness settles over me as I step into my apartment. Finally home.

I toss my bag to the side, slipping into something more relaxed before sinking into the couch. The TV flickers on, and in a few quick taps, I'm scrolling through Netflix. 'Breaking Bad' it is.

It's Friday afternoon, but going out is the last thing on my mind after last night. The idea of a quiet evening - just me, a few snacks, and a solid series - feels like a relief. Sometimes, a chill night in beats anything else.

The best part? Being alone. Don't get me wrong - it's nice spending time with Vic and my friends, even if I don't show it much. But I'm tired. Tired of the questions, the explanations. Tired of talking at all.

Solitude. That's all I need tonight.

The familiar sound of Breaking Bad fills the room, and I sink deeper into the couch. It feels good to switch off my brain for a while, letting the chaos of Walter White's world drown out everything else. I don't even notice how many episodes have passed until my stomach grumbles, reminding me I haven't eaten in hours.

I pause the show and stretch. It's late, but not too late to cook something. Heading into the kitchen, I open the fridge and stare at it for a minute. Pasta will do. I grab the spaghetti, some garlic, and sauce, working through the steps on autopilot. The sizzling garlic fills the room, and I find myself relaxing even more, enjoying the simplicity of it all.

Once it's done, I sit back on the couch with a plate of pasta, eating as the show continues. There's something comforting about it - just me, the food, and the TV. No one asking me questions, no one expecting anything.

But eventually, I can't ignore the pile of homework waiting on the table. Sighing, I set my empty plate aside and drag myself over to start working. Physics first. The equations feel never-ending, but with each problem solved, I feel a bit more at ease. One subject down, then it's Pre-Calculus. The numbers blur together after a while, but I push through, determined to finish everything before Monday.

When I'm finally done, I close my books and lean back in my chair, feeling the tension in my shoulders ease. It's late now, but at least I've done everything I need to. I grab my pack of cigarettes from my bag and step out onto my balcony.

The cool night air hits my face as I light the cigarette, taking a long drag. As the smoke fills my lungs, I let my thoughts drift away, far from homework and school. I exhale slowly, watching the smoke curl into the night sky. For a moment, I think about last night, about how everything feels like it's spinning out of control. But out here, alone with just my cigarette, everything seems distant. Almost manageable.

I take a few more drags before stubbing the cigarette out in the ashtray, feeling a bit calmer now. I head back inside, ready to wrap up the night.

I turn off the TV and start my bedtime routine. Brushing my teeth, washing my face - it's all so routine that I barely think about it. My eyelids are heavy as I flick off the bathroom light and make my way to my bedroom. I pull back the covers, already feeling the weight of sleep pulling me down.

I slip under the covers, the cool sheets brushing against my skin as I settle into bed. The softness of the pillow cradles my head, and I sink deeper, my body finally relaxing after a long day.

For a moment, I lie there in the darkness, staring up at the faint shadows on the ceiling. My mind drifts, trying to latch onto thoughts, but nothing stays for long. It's just a gentle blur of memories - snippets of school, my friends, the faces I passed today. But I'm too tired to care, and none of it matters now.

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