Don't We Get To Be Happy?

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Requested by ruff1258 thank you for helping me get this idea. Sorry it's been so long since I've updated I've gotten distracted and have had SEVERE writers block. Anyway, I actually calculated everyone's age in this so hopefully my math is correct. I also did some research so hopefully it sounds okay.

Year 1917. The war in Europe has broken out signaling the First World War. Men are being drafted and shipped over seas, U.S families struggle with grief and worry.

Fourteen days. Fourteen days until Peter turned eighteen, the draft would be here in less than seven. That meant he was safe, there was no possible way Katherine would loose both of her boys to this war.

Or was there?

Katherine's short moments of relief were over when the drafts came four days early. The second Katherine spotted her husbands face as he walked through the door with the letter in his hands she knew something was wrong. Of course they had known the draft would take Jack, it had been a matter of time before they called the now 35 year old artist to base. However, the sharp worry that was in Jacks eyes as they met with Katherine as Peter walked in behind his father was a kind of fear only a parent could understand.

"Kath..." Jack said his voice sounding ruff and forced as he held the letter in his hand.

"When do you leave?" Katherine asked forcing herself to stay strong.

"April twenty first." Jack said slowly his eyes flickering to Peter who wouldn't meet Katherine's eyes. Something clicked in her brain as that date registered in her mind.

"Mom." Peter said softly lifting his eyes to his mothers. He'd grown up a lot over the years, the once small nine year old boy had grown up to be a strong passionate man just like his father. He still Jacks messy black hair and deep blue eyes, and also Katherine's brains and wisdom. In Katherine's opinion he would always be the bundle of joy that had brought her so much pain in labor, he would always be the little boy who knocked over a glass of water just to see the kind of picture it would make on the floor, he would always be that troubled little nine year old boy who didn't know his father. And he would always be the man now standing in front of her with a white slip in his hands.

"Peter." Katherine said noticing the letter. "What's that?"

Peter glanced at Jack and swallowed hard, something in his eyes screamed fear but also determination, it was something Katherine had seen in Jacks eyes during the Newsboys Strike all those years ago.

"Mom, there's something you need to know." Peter said still not looking up at her. Jack brought a hand up to his shoulder and have it a comforting squeeze. "I got a letter too." He said finally looking up at her. Katherine's heart stopped dead in her chest as all the pieces fell together.

"W-what? But... that's not possible! Your not even eighteen yet!" Katherine shouted her voice cracking.

"But I will be when we have to leave." He said quietly handing over the letter to Katherine.

Her hands trembled as she unfolded the letter and scanned the page. Written in bold at the top were words that would give her worry for a very long time.

Dear, Peter Pulitzer Kelly you are hear by enlisted into the American Army by the order of President Woodrow Willson and are called to report to the army base at Long Island beach at 7'o'clock sharp on the morning of April 21, 1917.

"But they can't do this!" Katherine shouted hit years springing free from her eyes. "Y-your not eighteen yet-"

"But I will be then Mom!" Peter said clutching Katherine's arms. "I turn eighteen on April eighteenth, I will be old enough by the time it comes."

Katherine's ears were ringing and she could feel herself going into shock.

"No..." Katherine whimpered throwing her arms around her sons neck and holding him tightly. "You can't go! I won't let you! Both of you! Your not going!"

"Ace we gotta..." Jack said miserably watching as Katherine sobbed into Peters shirt.

Katherine knew he was right, they did have to leave, there was no way her boys would stay. Still Katherine refused to believe it, she held on to Peter so tightly he was struggling for air.

"Mom, please don't cry." Peter said.

"I can't do this." She cried suddenly feeling the weight of those Nine Years many years ago. It was like she was a seventeen year old heiress with the weight of the world on her shoulders again.

"Oh Kath-" Jack started to say but Katherine cut him off and pulled away from Peter.

"And you!" She cried her tears like hot waterfalls down her face. "You will not leave me again! You promised you wouldn't leave again!"

"I don't have a choice Katherine." Jack said as calm as possible but Katherine could spot the storm underneath. "I didn't have a choice then either..." he reminded her softly which didn't help the situation.

Katherine shook her head and sunk to her knees feeling her bandaged heart starting to tear to pieces again. This stupid war was breaking her heart again!

"D-don't..." Katherine gasped. "Don't w-we get to be happy at some p-point down the line?" She asked to no one in particular. Peter got to the floor next to her and wrapped his strong arms around her shoulders.

"We are happy Mom." He said laying his head against her shoulder blade. "We've always been happy... even before Maggie was born, even... even before Dad came back we've always been happy. It may have been ruff but at least it all worked out in then end. Just like this is all gonna work out."

"Don't say that Peter you don't know what could happen." Katherine whispered and dried her face on her skirt.

"That's true but why give up hope now?"

Katherine wanted to sob with grief and pride for her little boy, oh what a good man he has turned out to be.

"We will be back. I promise." Peter said his voice shaking slightly.

"Don't you dare say that!" Katherine said suddenly her head snapping up. "That's the same thing your father said to me when he left for nine years!"

"Hey I-" Jack protested but Peter shut him up with a look.

"Sorry, I didn't know that." He said patting her back. 

Katherine pressed the palm of her hands against her eyes feeling overwhelmed with worry and grief. She didn't want to believe this was happening, in just two weeks they would both be gone. Maybe for forever.

Jack came over now and sat down next to her and grabbed her hand, he looked at a loss for words. All they could do now was sit and pray that all would be well and that maybe, just maybe both her boys would return home to her.

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