5. ●.●

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Skye was sitting in her office that day, knowing she had failed to help Yuji, Jas, and the others. She needs to find a way to beat Adam and Toby.

Toby and Adam stood there, the guns still in their hands, the bodies bleeding on the floor. 

"Oh dude we gotta clean this up." Toby said, grabbing a mop from the closet.

"And we gotta change cause theres so many things on my clothes making me gross." Adam said.

Toby started cleaning up the blood and Adam shoved the bodies in bags. Once Toby finished cleaning the blood, they brought the bodies to the lake and threw them in. When they get home they change their clothes. The big plan clothes. 

Adam wore a white shirt with black short sleeves and a black shirt collar and black baggy jeans with some old sneakers and hehad an ammo belt, and a gun on his back.

Toby wore a black t shirt with a shark on it, and dark red pants and also some old sneakers. She also had an ammo belt, and had a few bombs on her. And she had a red bow in her hair. 

They sat in Toby's room.

"We should kill eepy." Adam said.

"Eepy? Oh i haven't talked to him in awhile." Toby said. 

"Well i hate him, we should also let Leon watch, since i also hate him." Adam said.

The next day, Eepy and Leon, along with Eepys little sister, Annie, came to Toby's house. 

"Hello Eepy, Leon, and Annie." Toby let them in. 

"Hey." Eepy said.

"Our whole house is green steam cause of Eepy and his smelly self." Annie said.

"HAHA!" Adam laughed and pointed at Eepy. Eepy rolled his eyes and sat down. 

Out of no where, Toby pulled out a knife and stabbed Eepy, while Adam covered Annie's eyes since shes a child and shes cool. Adam took Annie to the other room and came back. Eepy managed to get away, and Leon started running out, going toward the police. Adam caught up with him and shot him in the head twice, and dragged his body back in the house. Meanwhile Eepy was left still alive, with many stab wounds. 

Blood was all over the floor, and Leons dead body shoved in a bag in the closet. There way way more blood on Toby and Adam than before, and there were bloody knifes on the floor, along with the gun Adam used to shoot Leon in the head. 

"Im sooo tired... i dont wanna drag his fat body." Adam said, slumping down in all the blood. 

"Well im pissed. We let Eepy get away." Toby said. 

"We can finishhim another time, we werent even THAT prepared. An least we got Leon?" Adam said, trying to make it sound better. 

"Ya sure." Toby said, starting to clean up the blood once again, and after that she brought Leons body to the lake and dumped it in. 

But it wasnt to long until the police noticed the bodies in the lake.

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