Chapter 1 Soccer

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[10yrs old]

In a certain town in Germany, a girl was on her way home after a long day at school. She was walking peacefully with her hands on the straps of her backpack while humming a song when she walked by the park. The same park she always passes.

She stopped walking and watched a group of boys playing soccer. Sports have always interested the girl, no matter what kind it is she's eager to learn it, but her family's financial situation stopped her from learning and made her focus on her studies one way her parents told her she could do to help them. 

She was about to walk away when one of the boys called her and asked her to play with them. She hesitated, she wanted to play with them but at the same time, she was worried that she might get scolded. She pursed her lips as she thought deeply. In the end, she agreed to play with them. They taught her the basics and showed her some moves. She enjoyed it so much that she didn't notice the time and it was her first time playing with other kids except her siblings.

At home, her mother looks at her with worry. Her clothes are dirty and her face is full of dirt and sweat. When her mother asked her why she just got home she didn't lie and immediately told her the truth. Her mother just sighed.

"Erika, next time if you want to play at the park just tell me ok?"

Erika nodded her head as she looked at her mother with a bright smile. She is glad that she's not angry.

"Yes, Mommy. I promised. Also, can I play at the park with friends starting tomorrow after school?" She hesitantly asked. Erika is the kind of kid who doesn't play with classmates after school, she just immediately goes home, unless there are other important things to do after class that are school-related.

"Of course. Just be careful ok?" Her mother said. Mia is glad that her only daughter is now asking her permission to play outside. Unlike her other siblings, Erika only likes to stay inside the house and watch random sports-related shows, games, and cartoons on the television. She also never really talked about other things unless it was school-related or random gossip she heard her classmates talk about. So right now her mother is happy that she's willing to play outside with friends and not just stay inside the house.

Erika continued playing soccer with her friends at the park. They even complimented her and told her that she had a talent for the sport which she just shyly laughed at. She even started teaching her siblings after receiving a ball during her birthday which is now the most treasured item she has and only used at her house with her siblings in fear that it might get lost outside. 

[12 yrs old]

Two years have passed since she started playing soccer. Everything seems to be perfect for Erika until tragedy strikes their household. Her father lost both of his legs during an accident by trying to save a colleague. It's devastating, the breadwinner of their family is now crippled and unable to get a job. Erika knows how important it is for her father to provide for them himself and how broken he must be for losing both of his legs.

"It should have been his colleague." Erika said in a whisper while sitting on the bench outside their father's hospital room with her siblings.

"You shouldn't talk that way, Erika" Her older brother Henry scolded her.

"Why shouldn't I? It's because of that colleague Daddy is in this situation and our family is like this" She said back to her Older brother angrily but still in a whisper so others wouldn't hear it.

"I know that. But what you said is bad, we should never hope for other people's misfortune and Daddy would be angry if he heard what you just said."

Erika couldn't answer back because she knew that her Big brother was right, she shouldn't have said that. Tears started falling out of her eyes because of the barrage of emotions she was having right now.

"You're right big bro 'Sniff' I-i'm sorry. I'm just upset, Daddy is in pain right now a-and our financial situation is not helping either 'Sniff'' She said as tears continued to flow out of her eyes.

Henry can't say anything and he too is upset about the situation but he can't show it, he needs to be strong for his younger siblings.

Zion the youngest just continued watching his older siblings and also started crying. Erika and Henry were shocked they didn't expect him to cry. They immediately stop what they are doing and comfort their youngest out of older sibling instinct. 

"It's fine we'll get through this" Henry told his sibling while hugging each other.

" We always do."

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