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Birthday: May 26

Age: 19

Birth Place: Germany

House hold: Father, Mother, Older Brother, Younger Brother

Height:169 cm

Blood type: B+

Dominant foot: Both (At first it's just right but i find having only one dominant foot in soccer as a disadvantage so trained both of them and to be honest it's not easy)

Motto: "Always expect the unexpected" "Be independent and strive alone" (Relying on others too much can backfire)

Favorite soccer player: No one ( I don't have one all of them are great for me since I know how hard it is to be one)

Favorite color: Blue (Because it's the color of the Ocean and sky) and red (Cause of Luffy)

Favorite Anime: Mob Psycho 100 (I like Mob's journey about change, acceptance and growth. I wanna be like him.)

Favorite Manga: Tokyo Ghoul (The manga is better than the anime and the art is beautiful)

Favorite Movie: John Wick (He's cool and one of my inspirations. I mean he could kill a person with a pencil and beat multiple ALONE!)

Favorite Music: Lovely by billie eilish (I like how listening to this makes me sad)

Favorite food: Buttered Shrimp (I like it especially if it has garlic)

Disliked food: None ("Eat any food that's available in front of you" my parents always say that)

Favorite Subject: Philosophy and History

Disliked Subject: None ( I don't have any subjects i dislike since all of them helps me to learn something)

Favorite Animal: Whales ( They're fascinating)

Hobby: Reading and Listening to music

Hours of Sleep: 5 or 8 hours (I mostly sleep for five hours since I always went to bed at 12 o'clock but Micha doesn't like it so he always force me to sleep early)

Fetish: Small waist. (Don't ask why)

Numbers of chocolate received last year: None ( I don't accept chocolates. Unless it's from someone I know and I like buying it myself)

First place wash in the bath: Hands

Mushroom or Bamboo Shoots: Mushroom

What makes you happy:

My family, friends and especially money ✨ Wait I almost forgot Micha's bed head. I always have the best morning because of it and he's a completely different person every time he wakes up with it.

What makes you sad:

Being forgotten, ignored, abandoned and undervalued by people I care about. That's why I always make sure that I always give my attention to the people I care for. It also hurts to be ignored.

When was the last time you cried:

When I saw him cry. It made me realize that I care about him more than I thought.

What would you do with a 100 million yen:

Simple, give it to my parents.

What are your strengths:

Being able to control my facial expressions, emotions and fake them at the same time. Though sometimes I fail at doing it when people I care about are involved.

What are your weaknesses:

I'm kind of oblivious sometimes to the point that I didn't know that I'm being left out and the way I easily warm up to people that are good to me. That's why I'm changing myself.

How you spend your days Off: Lay on my bed all day or Hangout wherever Micha or Lexis is.

If I hadn't played soccer: I'll study ways to earn money and look for a way to earn it (legal or not) even if my parents get angry. I'll do anything to help them.

If you could bring one thing on a deserted island: A blanket so I don't feel lonely.

If you Have a time machine would you go back to the past or future?

I'll go back to the past and stop my dad from going to work that day and save his colleague myself. Cause I'm not that evil to let him die. 

Do you regret Playing soccer as a Pro?

Nope. Because I became the better version of myself. I was able to help my family especially my parents in terms of money and lastly because I met Micha and Lexis. Their relationship might be weird but they're still my friends, the only people I can be honest with in this damn soccer field.


( This is Erika's present stats)

Speed: S

Shoot: S

Dribble: A

Offense: S

Defense: A

Pass: A

[To make things clear she trained hard in order to increased her stats almost passing out sometimes and since she's a girl others look down on her so it became one of the factors that drove her to be better]

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