Movie Night (Your Pick) pt.2

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Lucas Lee: Captain America: Civil War It was a Friday night, and there just so happened to be a Marvel movie marathon on T.V. Friday night and a Marvel movie? What more could you ask for? Not to mention, pro-skater turned actor, Lucas Lee (aka your boyfriend) was there too. A lot of people don't know, but Lucas really likes superhero movies. His favorite one was Captain America, and good thing this movies was full of Cap action. Just to mess to him, you told him that Iron Man was better. He turned away from the TV and gave you a face full of shock. But he face turned to one of relief when you told him you were kidding. Also, every time Cap would do anything, Lucas would say, "I can do that" "I can do that" "And that". 

Todd Ingram: Superman After another home-cooked meal by Chef Todd, you both agreed to watch a movie. Superman (1978 ver.) was what you picked. You had always admired how selfless a man Superman was. As well as liking the relationship between Lois and Clark. You had always dreamed of finding a guy like Superman. Smart, kind, strong, brave all wrapped into a handsome package. Luckily for you, you have found your Superman. Your guy is also strong and smart, but he also has actual super powers! Not to mention, above-average cooking skills. While you were lost in thought, Todd decided to pull the classic "yawn and put the arm around" trick. But you didn't mind it. You knew Todd would be there to catch you if you were ever to fall, and you wouldn't hesitate to do the same for him. 

Gideon Graves: Fantastic Mr. Fox G-Man was always under a lot of stress. Having an empire of record labels, animal shelters, and production companies was one thing. Running it all was a different story. He put himself to a such a huge standard, and people expected him to be the best. You had persuaded him into taking a break, and decided to put on his favorite comfort movie, Fantastic Mr.Fox. He told you that he would watch it every night before he went to sleep when he was a kid. He told you that one time he considered getting a fox tattoo. He had always liked Ash and Kylie. He could honestly quote the whole movie if he tried. When the opening credits came up, he was beaming. He clung to you and peppered your face with kisses. 

Julie Powers: Monsters University When it came to comfort movies, animated ones were your pick. Specifically, Pixar movies. Monsters University was one of the first movies you saw in theaters, and it had always stuck with you. The movie barely started when Julie finally came back from work. Julie had taken a seat on the couch and started watching with you. While watching Julie said, "Y'know, college isn't really like this. It's more f******* dull, and more a*******." "Just watch the movie Powers" you smugly replied. Then, Claire came on screen. Her nonchalant demeanor always reminded you of Julie. You told Julie that and she replied, "That's fair. She's cool. She's literally me". 

Roxie Richter: Secret of the Wings The Tinkerbell movies was always a niche thing that you fascinated on a long as you could remember. You liked all the adventures, and the different distinct personalities each fairy. But Tinkerbell was always your number one pick. You decided to binge all the movies in one day. Roxie ended up walking in on you watching Secret of the Wings. Roxie asked you what you were watching, and you simply patted the seat on the couch next to you. Roxie had seemed unsure why you were watching fairy movies. But it didn't take long for her to end up actually liking it. Her tough fighter shell finally got cracked to reveal a secret love for fairies and fantasy. Soon, this became a ritual for you guys. Having a Tinkerbell movie marathon once a month, holding one another.

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