War. pt 1.

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A/N: Ok, start of a new oneshot! Wish me luck, cuz I have an exam tomorrow! T_T





Amara and Maya were the biggest pranksters in the whole of Pinedale Academy. If you were a teacher who taught them, or a new student in their grade and dormitory, you would have run out screaming as soon as you met them. Take Raina for example. A new student who had recently joined the school. 

A perfect target for pranks.

As soon as Raina walked into the dormitory, a huge bucket of water fell over her. 


Raina screamed and immediately ran to Matron. Matron was a sweet yet strict person, and could easily lose her temper when she needed to! Alas, there was a huge line of spiders just outside Matron's room! Amara and Maya's handiwork strikes again!

Raina rushed to the head-mistress's room. She wanted to call her parents and beg them to take her out of this beastly school!

No one heard from Raina ever again...

Anyways, back to present day.

Amara and Maya were feeling bored. They had played a prank on everyone in the school! The teachers, the students, the two matrons, even the janitors! But they couldn't help but think there was one person they didn't play a prank on yet. And that's when it dawned on them

"Maya", Amara thought.

"Amara", Maya thought.

Oh, how the turns have tabled- I mean how the tables have turned...

"Well, this could be interesting," Amara said, her lips curling into a mischievous grin.

Maya crossed her arms, mirroring the smirk. "I thought the same thing."

There was a moment of silence between them, filled with tension and anticipation. Both girls knew what was coming next—the ultimate prank-war.

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