The trip to Japan 2

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In this story we'll see Marie's POV of the story.

The happy family was in Japan for Kristine and Johnatans birthday.

Everyone was so happy of trying new things, new food and new places.

They had breakfast and lunch wich they thought was delicious.

Later me and Bernard went out to buy Kris and John their gift, a cat, they always begged us for one so we said, what better place to get a cat other than Japan?

An inconvenient came when we were returning home though, a Kitsune bit my head, my right arm and my left leg, I died of blood loss, my death was all over the news. I hoped that the kids didn't watch the TV.

Ghere is something that I still don't understand though.

How am I still here?

I'm not alive, but I'm not a ghost too, so am I a spirit? Probably.

Only Bernard and the kids could see me so when the people would see then talk to the air they thought they were crazy.

We returned home and when Kris and John saw the cat they scram at the top of their lungs.

John made Kris decide the name, who said " Mila! We should call her Mila!"

Everyone stayed silence but agreed on the name, I thought the name was very cute but I didn't say it since i didn't know if they could see me, until dinner.

They were trying to say something to us but at the same time they weren't.

Bernard and I were talking about what happened on our return home, and he asked: "Should we tell them?"
"About my death? Absolutely not! What if they remember Kayla?" I said.

"Alright for the kids?" "For the kids."


Word count: 293

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