Your #1 Fan

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Roman POV
It was almost the end of the day. Only an hour and 30 minutes before our basketball game start. They let all the basketball players out early to prepare even though most of them went out to eat or mess around with some girls. "Hey Roman." Caleb came walking up to me with Jacob by his side. "Wassup." I looked at them and knew something was about to happen. "Look on the basketball team, we're like a brotherhood, and we stick together, bros before hoes. So when you mess with my hoe, your messing with a brotherhood. Now because your new, we won't be to hard on you cause you still learning, but just to warn you, Vida is my girl, my slut and she's off limits to you. Do you understand that?" Was this nigga really trying to scare me. "Sure whatever you say." I told them not really in the mood for his cockiness. "Good carry on now." He walked away into some closet where a girl was waiting and started to make out with her as he closed the door. Well I don't know who he think he is, but I'm not gonna stop hanging around her because he tells me too, and I was really frustrated with the names he called her. I looked at the text message I got from Jarel. He finally sent the locker number and combination. I started walking to the locker and found the locker. I put in the combination and opened the locker. I took out the jersey from my bag and placed it in the locker and closed it. Than I headed to the gym to get ready for the game.

Vida POV
It was finally the end of the day. Time to go to the game. All the girls meet up at my locker. "Hey you guys, I'll be ready in a minute, just gotta put some stuff in my locker." I opened my locker to find a jersey. "Who's is this?" I exclaimed in surprised. I don't remember putting a jersey in my locker. "Idk maybe its Caleb." Sammy told me and I looked at it in disgust. "That's not Caleb jersey, Caleb # is 24." Menaya told us. "Who's could it be than?" I asked. Nobody knew. "Well I guess I'll still wear it so I won't be the only one in my uniform. "I'll meet y'all in the gym." I told them. "I'll meet y'all there too I gotta do something real quick." Menaya stated walking away from the group. I wonder what she had to do but paris and sammy headed for the gym while I headed to the restroom to change.

Menaya POV
I felt so guilty about leaving them, but I was desperate to see him again. I turned the corner and saw Caleb at his locker. "Hey babe." I walked up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. "What up, what you did today at lunch was risky." He scold me. "I know but I'm your #1 fan and you got me crazy for you." I told him. I still can't believe we go out on the low low lol. "Its whatever don't do it again, I told you before, it ain't nothing to cut you off." He stated as he grabbed me roughly and kissed me. It was really sloppy and I thought it was suppose to be some spark when you kiss, I guess not. I started to tug at his shirt wanting to go farther but he stop kissing me and step back. "So is Vida coming to the game today?" Did this nigga really just asked me about that little gurl. Lol calm down Menaya. I can make him turn against her. "Yea she going, she wearing another boy's jersey tho." I told him and he frowned. "What was the # on the jersey babe?" He asked me so softly yet with a command in his voice. "#4, why." I asked and he suddenly turned furious and punched the locker and pushed me to the ground. "That douchebag gonna pay for this." And he walked away forgetting I was even here. I went into the bathroom looking to see if I had any scars on me. Luckily I didn't and I walked out and headed to the gym.

Vida POV
By the time Menaya came to sit with us, it was halftime and the cheerleaders were doing there little cheer with their to small uniforms on. Caleb walked in late too. The coach yelled at him and made him sit. I don't think he'll be playing the game today. "Menaya, where have you been, you missed the first half of the game?" Paris asked her. I was kinda curious too. "I told you I had some business to take care of." She told us. "Anyway, Vida who's jersey do you have on?" She asked me. I forgot all about the jersey to be honest. But I looked at the team and saw I was wearing Roman number. "She wearing Roman jersey." Sammy answered for me. "Oh cool I guess." Menaya replied. Is she ok she acting kinda funny. "Are you ok, you seem kinda of off right now?" I asked worried about her. "OMG gurl I'm fine stop asking me stupid questions." She snapped on me. I would of snap back, but halftime was over and I didn't feel like being bothered with her. She's been tripping since school let out today, I wonder what's up with her. Roman makes a shot and I stand up to cheer for him in the stand.

Roman POV
I just made another 2 point shot and got the crowd cheering for me. I was started to get tired, than I saw Vida, with my jersey I practice in and I got a new surge of energy. Every shot I made was from feeling the energy she gave me. It was 5 seconds left and I went from the other half of the court and threw the basketball into the basket like Michael Jordan did in the movie Space Jam. I didn't think I would make it but I went in. The time ran out and everybody was cheering for me. Well everyone except Caleb. He showed up late so he couldn't be in the game, but he's been staring at me this whole game with a stank attitude. I was glad he wasn't playing, he would of only distracted me. People were congratulating me, then Vida walked up to me. "So did you enjoy the basketball game?" I asked her wanting to hear her response. "I enjoyed myself, your a good player out there, even tho I don't like the fact you broke into my locker." She responded which made me smile. "Well you at least look cute in my jersey." I told her and she blushed a little. "Whatever, hurry up and change so we can go eat. I'll wait outside the locker room." She left and went towards her friends to talk to them. I went into the locker room to find it dark. I wonder why the lights are out. I went to the light switch when somebody grabbed me from behind and another person punched me. I was trying to break free, but more and more people kept holding me down and beating me up. Punching me in the face and gut. "Stop." Somebody said and they all stopped and move to the side for Caleb. So he's the one behind all this. Ugh I tried to get up, but he pushed me right back down. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from that hoe. You could of had anybody else, but you instead you wanted her. So since you didn't take the warning, I had to have my boys teach you a lesson and make you ugly. Its for your own good. Now you would be wise to stay away from her, she's my slut and I don't need nobody messing with her. She will be banged by me first, so stop interfering." He then kicked me in the face and walked out the locker room with his crew. I felt weak for not defending myself or defending Vida. I could of tried harder. I'm such a punk. I was trying to get up, but I fell back down and soon all I saw was blackness as I left reality.

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