Lets make some chemistry

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Vida POV
Well I got through my first two classes. I found out the new kid name was Roman Oxford. His name is right before mine on the attendance. We haven't really done anything in our first two classes except go over the supplies we need for the year. I had one more class until lunch time which was AP Chemistry. Gotta take those AP classes to impress colleges. I was pretty sure that I was going to U of M or Michigan State, but I still hadn't completely decided yet, but at least I had my scholarship already so I didn't have to worry about paying as long as I kept a 3.5 average up which wouldn't be hard for me since I have a 3.9 average right now. I was one of the first people there for Chemistry and took a seat in the front. I didn't see anybody I really hanged out with so I just plugged my headphones in and drifted away with the music. I was in the middle of My last by Big Sean and Chris Brown when I realized it was time for class to start. I put my music up and looked next to me and saw Roman. I wonder how long he's been sitting next to me. I hope he ain't see me lip singing and acting a fool. Now I feel embarrassed, oh well. Then our teacher Ms.Anderson walked in. "Hello class, welcome to a new school year. The seats you are in today will be your permanent seat and the person next to you will be your partner for the whole year. Any questions so far!" Ms. Anderson spoke really fast, so it was hard to keep up, but I was able to manage most of what she said. "Yea um teacher, I can't see from my seat, can I get moved to the front row?" Cheyenne asked looking particularly at my seat. "Sure its an empty chair right there." She pointed to the chair next to Jarel. She signed but moved next to him. I didnt really know Jarel, but i kinda felt bad for him cause he had to have her for a partner. But she should still be happy becuase she was still at the same table as Roman, just not next to him like I was. "Ok so your first assignment is to get to know about your partners, so I want the basic information and y'all will present each other to the class before the end of the hour, you have 45 mins go." She told us and went back to her computer. "Ok I'll go first, so what's your name?" I asked even though I already knew it. "My name is Roman Oxford, and your name is?" He asked me looking at me all innocent. "My name is Vida Pandora. When is your birthday Roman?" "My birthday is January 23, I'm an Aquarius." He told me with a grin. "OMG really?" Than I coughed to lower my voice cause I was making myself look like an idiot in front of him. Wait why do I care, he's just a stupid boy using me, ugh. "That's cool, I'm an Aquarius too, my birthday February 10th." I told him, trying to have a nonchalant attitude leaning back. "Well that explains why I seem to relate to you more than the other girls." He whispered to me leaning in. Well I wasn't trying to get caught up in him, so when he was trying to get closer, I was trying to move away, but I forgot I was on a stool and ended up falling out the stool. Great now I have the whole class laughing at me and the teacher asking if I was ok. "Yea I'm fine, just leaned to far back." I replied mad cause I wouldn't of fell had it not been for Roman. "Sorry Vida, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable like that." He apologized and put out his hand to help me up. Aww he was acting like a sweet gentlemen helping a me out in need. Oh wait it was his fault in the first place, so I just glared at him as I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. Wow he's really strong and his hands feel really soft. What am I thinking, focus Vida, he's nothing but a pig. He probably flirts with every girl like that and cause them to fall. "Vida." He snapped me back into reality. "Sorry what you say, I didn't hear you?" "I said what's three facts about you?" He asked a little impatient. Oh no he better not be rushing me. "See if that was me, you wouldn't have to worry about me dozing off on you." Cheyenne butted in obviously trying to take my partner. "Anyway I love food, I love to read books and I love to dance." I replied looking how we only got 8 mins left. "What about you?" "Well I play basketball and plan on trying out for the team today, I like to chill with my friends and I'm also a really good cook." "Wow that's impressive." I told him actually quite surprised. Most boys expect the girl to cook for them or just buy some fast food. So the fact that he could cook anything impressed me, only a little bit though. "I can cook for you if you want?" He asked me with the look hoping that I would accept. Part of me didn't want to accept, but part of me wanted to accept his offer. "She wouldn't want any of your food, but I'll try it even though I know it will taste good." There Cheyenne goes again, flirting with my partner. "Sorry but the offer wasn't for you, it was for Vida, and I believe she hasn't lost her voice, so she can answer for herself." Dang he told her. She glares at me and went back to annoying her partner. "So about that offer?" He asked, I wasn't bout to reject him now, I needed to prove she didn't know my every move. "Sure, I'll give your cooking a try." I told him flirting back a little. "If it kills me, I'll have my family sue you for everything you got." I told him and he grinned at me. "Sounds fair, but you'll be so in love with my food, you'll be begging for thirds." He shot back which caused me to laugh and soon he started to laugh with me. "Mr. Oxford and Miss Pandora, we're suppose to get to know each other, not disrupt the class with foolishness." She told us staring us down. "Sorry Ms. Anderson." We both said in unison, which cause both of us to grin. OH MY GOSH, I'm messing my head up with this boy. "Ok well since we ran out of time for presentations, y'all are just gonna make a creative board about your partner for homework. Class dismiss." As I gathered my stuff I heard Roman talking to me. "So are you on the cheer team?" "Um no dance and cheer are two different things." I told him kinda annoyed with the question. "Yea I know, but I figured you would be on it since you look like a cheerleader." Haha now that's funny. "Well looks can be deceiving." "Yea true, see you later Vida." He waved and walked away. "See ya." As I grab my stuff to leave, a sheet of paper falls out my binder. I pick it up to see his phone number with a note saying call me with a smiley face. "That little sly dog." I said to myself and left out the class and head to lunch.

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